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There are various categories of human beings. All of them are and have a different power to think and to analyse, to research, to conceive.

When something works out for them, they credit their thinking and capacity to organise their life by themselves.

The latter don’t bear in mind the following, that is, for them to have a certain hit, somebody had an interest in this, in order to gain something. That something may often be their life itself.

Often, human beings don’t even know how to orient themselves, but there is always something who stands to gain even from this.

No one understands that, with every lost, misused moment, he loses withal important cerebral cells and the brain begins to fail them.

Human beings are so presumptuous that they don’t notice they grew up sooner than they should have, but this maturity is still a failure.

No one matures unless he is cerebrally prepared and capable of researching, studying and applying correctly.

Human beings are completely irresponsible when they create children, but are not yet capable of fairly organising their own destiny.

Life means happiness, joy, fulfilment, full satisfactions, development, merger, love.

Life doesn’t mean traps of unfulfillments.

Who doesn’t understand this and contents himself with the theory – as it is for all, so it is for us, is a being who missed his way to Eternalness. 

In this case, there’s nothing left for him to do than to consider the final resting places, because that’s how their fate will be, namely temporary existence and eternal death.

The candles are two, one for the living and one for the dead.

The living one is always lit by the Light accepted when there was Light; whereas the one for the dead lights up. It is always out.

Who needs the dead? The Creator? The men? Who?
No one, I assure you, for certain.

Either you create by your deeds, or you rot by your own incapacity.

It is a real fact, that every being is helped at least once.
This is the opportunity to choose!

Unfortunately, almost all choose death, forasmuch as choosing Life requires abiding by rules.
The choice is to organize the rules by himself and, looking back, he ascertains how many rules he observed, imposed by others who only speculated with him.
In this case, the choice made is ascertained to be wrong, and the life wasted.

Look at the elderly. They have a blank gaze, with no hope, with no light, with no life.
They would give anything to repeat and meet once again the one who offered them the chance to live.
There is no longer any chance, since you blasphemed by ignorance the one who wanted to help you.
There’s only one way left for you now. This is the way you chose, namely to rot. If that’s what you chose, that’s what you’ve got.

Life is a choice, death is the consequence of what you chose.

It is still you who is mad? With whom? Do you think there is anyone to impress?
The only one impressed by your own incapacity is you. Now all that’s left for you is to wait for your weakness, if it can, to resurrect you from the dead, so as to get out of the graveyard, shake the worms and rotten residues off, and to make you brand new, so as to ignorantly waste another body.
Do you think that the Universe is your wardrobe of live and fresh corpses? Wait for your eternity, as you are still in the eternal sleep.

Life is action by Creation and satisfaction by total involvement, the resultant of the correct thinking by love.

Your place is in another drawer, of those waiting for the eternal sleep.
In fact, the consequence of those who don’t use their brains is that, after 100 years of sleep, they can come together, in groups of 100 billions, in a drawer of ashes, to chat.

The choice is: correct option and fair permanent development, or eternal sleep!

By Master Mavrino

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