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The Creator’s job description does not imply recovering anyone, as He is not Rambo.

The Creator, by Creation, has shown what He wants. He created the Creation and gave it to the Man, so the Man could, by thinking, develop and admire everything around him.

The Man’s brain is the one which coordinates his activity. The brain holds a crystalline composition. This composition, upon being developed, reveals many and unlimited ways of development.

The brain, by the crystalline substance and by permanent development, reveals that the Man’s first formation is the Crystalline one.

His properly modifying and managing the body, his transforming the osseous system and any component part of the body into crystalline, namely with crystalline powder, make the body apt for Eternalness.

The Man is Created for Eternalness, but any transformation and modification of the body, to different compositions, to a different structure, is the Man’s attribution.
Abiding by the system of development, the Man modifies himself and evolves on a permanent basis.

The Man also knows, by the system of education and evolution, his place in the Universe.

The Man knows that the species, nature, as well as many others, have a certain lifespan. After the duration destined for their existence, they all undergo recharging for another period of existence.

In the Universe, the Man, the Creation in terms of structure and the celestial bodies are everlasting.

There is no exchange of organs but by structural concentration, content, speed and rhythm of the cells.

The Divine Cell is the one that allows the structural replacement at a certain pace and depending on the Man’s individual development.

The energy shower is a fact present every instant for the Man, as the need arises. Whenever necessary, this energy shower fills up Man’s energy and makes a change between Man and everything around him.
During the energy shower, the Man deals with his tasks, without being influenced in any way. This energy shower is not a phenomenon, but a current fact. As a presence, it is highly spectacular, but it does not draw Man’s attention away, because the Man is engaged in his development, and not in watching his connection with everything around him.
The Man does this currently, involuntarily, naturally. He has created this right for himself by evolution. 

In the Universe, there is a manifold, there are a great many altogether fascinating in the Man, environment and merger relation, yet they are only natural, not at the rank of show.

The Universe is one thing, this educational Simulator of Terra is quite another.

The difference lies in man’s structure. Here, in the simulator, the man, by involution, changed into a genetic mutation whose brain has a structure tantamount to the other species, and that’s why everything in the Universe is spectacular.

The Creator doesn’t come to Terra to search for beings whom to change into Men, because He is not a magician, and any magic is short-lived.
The Creator notices if a being gives proof of evolution and helps him.
If that person succeeds, it takes another unlimited period in which the apt persons are transported into other dimensions, where their training is continued.
It is very difficult for a person from Terra to make it to the Universe, but it is not impossible.
It takes a long period for adaptation, conception, fathoming, so a person can adapt.

Imagine that now, on Terra, the oxygen saturation is of maximum 11%. If we add to this the saturation in nature, this means other 6%, namely 17%, at the most. 
If we introduce into it and fill it with pure oxygen, in order to become 100%, the following real phenomenon will happen. The human beings, nature and everything on the surface would instantly decompose. The planet would be covered with lava and would change into a component of the solar system. No one will allow this.

What will be allowed is for 8% of the human beings to be extracted from this simulator, and the simulator to remain as teaching aid where death has existed and will exist, for educational purposes.

The Universe is Created as eternal; death exists only here and will stay here with representatives who will only exist for one light and one dark, with all the examples of involution that created the phenomenon death.

Death means lack of links to the cardinal points of Creation. The connection with exchange of energies was hereby interrupted; and, without constant energy, Everlastingness does not exist, insofar as the Principles are broken.


The crystalline brain allows Man to have materialized links in minimum 47 dimensions. In the meantime, the Man continues his development, and he also coordinates his materialized presence in all dimensions, collecting data and manifesting correctly, but altogether differently, in all dimensions. This is so, because in all 47 dimensions he performs different tasks, contacts, researches etc.

That’s what, to the minimum, a Man’s crystalline brain can do.
The human being can, in 47 minutes, err at least 47 times.

That’s the difference.
What do you choose?
It’s for you to decide.

The Creator doesn’t have the task to convince you of anything.

The Creator can teach you, and those who need to be helped will receive help. The others will only dream what they could have done if they had not been dead.

By Master Mavrino
January 11, 2019

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