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I am answering any question, regardless of how it is formulated.
Why am I mentioning that? You are within a system of education, a system of education which I launched.
I came here to show you that only Life exists and that death is an illusion.
Here, I am conducting my activity among the dead. But I will definitely save the last living men who have remained.
This approach consists, as I understand it, in extracting whoever is alive. There are totally scientific tests which clearly, obviously, undoubtedly prove who is alive and who is dead.
I am not cloning sheep, little rabbits, small fish or various organs. I was the first to describe self-cloning, not the Japanese. The Japanese are practicing it; but, do a little research on the fact that what I wrote about self-cloning dates back 18 years before the emergence of the science of self-cloning.
26 years ago, to wit 21 years before the scientists, I was the first to assert that the neuron can regenerate, can be restored.
I don’t lead sects or other legends and myths. 
I can prove at any time the bio-cloning and everything; however, not bio-cloning is the solution, but the regeneration of body which is dying, influenced by everything around it, yet a body which keeps a gleam, a spark of Spirit.
I teach all of you, you will definitely see the final result. Now you can only see stages.
I’d like you to keep in mind a truth. I can bio-regenerate the body with your help and by your wisdom. There is this wisdom, which I highlight, I refine, and the result can be seen on your faces. Your faces don’t correspond to the age of those within macro-society, and the difference is obviously, astonishingly superior, by comparison.
How many neighbours of yours haven’t encountered you and asked you – what, are you really 50 years old? But you look as if you were 30-35. That’s the result of my work.
I’d like to appeal again to you, to your studying my answers, to your studying all the documentation along the 29 years and to your applying it.
Please don’t read what I am offering you as a melodramosensitivo-fantastico-loving literature! Don’t study it like religious fanatics, sectarians, or other categories of madmen! They are mentally ill.
Comprehend that 1 and 1 equals 2. You are one, you have a friend, a single friend, and one plus one is two.
And not I’ll explain it to you. But, in order to understand very well, sit in front of the mirror.
Under the conditions you already sit in front of the mirror, let’s commit to paper everything that each man should:
And I will hold myself up, as an example. That’s only natural.
As for me, when I came, I was alone.
In turn, one by one, you came, each of you
The more you came, the more I built a new table, until I got to build very many tables, so you can all sit round my table.
Each of you is an individuality.
And I consider that, in each of you, I have a friend, I and one more.
There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t served you breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Not a day has gone by for as long as you’ve known me when I have left my friend undressed.
There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t bought you something or other, so you can fulfil your little joys, even if you are among the dead.
You know very well I don’t materialize manna from heaven, fish, lamb, pork or anything else.
I am working, I am buying them, I am offering them to you.
And now, look in the mirror!
Depending on when you came, some of you have a 29-year seniority, others much less.
I repeat: I have been working and I am working so I can offer you half of the net amount.
As that’s how a friend is, if you have him. That’s normality.
I have accurately described you the Universe, to a great extent.
Well, you have a lot to learn, but I have described to you and you have felt a great many from the Universe. In the Universe, there is a system. Among the dead, here, on Earth, you should know that this system does not apply. You must make efforts, earn funds and evenly divide them with your friend in half, if you want to have a friend.
And now, because you still are in front of the mirror, please think: do you have the magic box? As I do. I can sit in front of the mirror and talk to everyone of you, as I might not have had, but I gave to you every time.
In days of old, a long time ago, there was no mirror. But I gave this example, in the following form:
I made one of those whom I was with, dig a pit. He dug a pit deep enough. Then, I told him to put in the pit everything he had: sheep, cows and many, many riches, including his house. They all looked in amazement and said they couldn’t put in there anything but themselves, it is only they that can enter the pit, nothing else would fit in there. In this case, I advised them to bequeath everything to the dead, to take their wealth in coins, so they could be quite well and want for nothing, yet to come every day and look at the pit.
On that occasion, a large part of those men of the past left the pit empty. In the pit, only those who did not have the magic box, entered. The unworthy people don’t receive the magic little box.
I hope you will study this material and you will behave as appropriate accordingly.
I don’t give magic little boxes. I give my friendship and it is 100 percent fair towards you.
If you have a friendship to offer, it’s my pleasure to wait for you, to welcome you and I accept it. But it is you who build your magic box, not me.
For your information, in order for you to elucidate what it is with the magic little box, you should know that unless you have the magic little box, as it is a Principle of the Universe, you will not be able to make it to the Universe.
You will stay beside or inside the pit which you, and not me, have created for yourselves.
I teach you concretely how to not enter the pit. Just think, if you have the magic box, how many qualities, if you abide by the friendship which engendered magic box, by which it came into being, will you build?
I assure you that you will become extremely strong, faultless. Provided that you always look at the magic little box and that you maintain it shiningly clean.

By Master Mavrino
January 13, 2019

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