• The Art Of Knowing

    Everything About The Universe

  • Science And Truth

    Beyond Reality Society

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Men are a superior species whom the Creator gave to Creation so as to realize, reign over, develop and understand Creation.
For this purpose, as well as for many others, the Creator gifted the men with brain and thereby Perfection.
The man has no time. He has no good and evil. He only has a fantasy which he has to assume and understand, as well as to apply. The man must definitely find his place in Creation, forasmuch as the development space within the brain is unlimited, because the brain itself has a different content for each phase of development.
The more the brain needs other drawers where to store the information, the more it changes its structural composition; but, for this, a very well-developed and finely tuned system has been set in operation by the Creator, so that everything can work perfectly.
In this unlimited Universe, there is also the Simulator. That is, the Simulator where you are reading now what I am making known.
This is a space where the man, by not developing, has turned into a human being. To wit a mutation between environment, species, conjuncture and underdevelopment.
This space, the Simulator, is obvious as a presence, but it lies in a loop, parallel with Terra, yet maintained by Terra through the energy column which feeds it.
The human being has a great deal to recoup, a great many to understand of all it has missed, if he wants to ever leave this limited space.
This type of mutation was not intended by the Creator, in the sense that it is not the Creator that ever planned this space. Except, the Creator knew that there was such a possibility. Although it does not sum up even half a percent of the Creation, this underdevelopment has occurred, nevertheless, and hence the necessity of creating this space, called Simulator, is now reality.
The Simulator is reality and will be so for ever.
Here everything builds on illusions, imagination, without any rule, and utopia.
If it exists, – and it actually exists! -, the Creator introduced a component in the Perpetuum, which monitors this space, so as to become teaching material for the Man.
In this space, the human being believes he is free. He considers he develops and many other utopias.
Let’s debate this subject a little.
A human being wants to go to Paris, to the North Pole or to leave this space and make it to the Moon, Mars or among the stars.
He can want anything; but the human is left with nothing but with the illusion that he wants. In fact, it can be very clearly proven that the Perpetuum coordinates very well where every human being shall circulate, according to a well-established program.
This real fact remains unnoticed by the human being.
The human being only circulates in the surrounding area which corresponds to his height plus 3 cm. This is a human being’s space.
There is space for the other species, nature or any part of the Simulator, but very well-established and coordinated.
Any involution might have occurred, but no one was allowed to play with the destined space – where this involution is confined to take place.
In conclusion, in terms of travelling, of motion, the human being has a space on a circular trajectory, set with precision.
This is the TRUTH and it is on this theme that Terra’s scientists should work, and they will prove to themselves how right I am and how much help I am offering to them, so they can change something, be allowed to see the open space, as well, not only the close space where they now exist.

Another aspect is:
Is there time or not?
I would like us to start a study, so the scientists can prove to themselves that any hypothesis I launch is consistent with the truth, and not according to the variant or hypothesis that it might be true.
The scientists here imagine that they discover something, but what they have just discovered has always existed and will exist forevermore.
For the scientists’ every breakthrough, they award each other the Nobel Prize.
Read very well my materials, which are based on truth, which are logical, irrefutable.
I suggest you, instead of awarding each other illusion-based awards, to forsake illusion and dwell on and rely on TRUTH.
A truth, for instance, is that there is 12:00, 12:01, 12:02 o’clock.
Let’s study these 3 minutes in order to trigger a process of development in your brains, and you might come to a correct conclusion, which conclusion might open you a door of development.
We randomly place a human being at 12:01 o’clock. 12:00 o’clock is the one which elapsed, 12:02 o’clock which is nearing. The human being is somewhere in 12:01. This human being, – I have well said we place him there -, as he is not actually there. You place this example in time and space, but I place it on a real basis, in space and speed, because there is no time. This is an illusion which you have invented, an illusion which condemned you to being trapped in your own illusion, which you called time.
If you set your thinking to work, and if you have any, from this example you will draw the following conclusions:
1. 12:00 o’clock doesn’t exist.
2. 12:02 o’clock doesn’t exist.
3. 12:01 o’clock where we placed the human being, who is in motion, goes to 12:02, starting from 12:00, yet not being in 12:01, because the factor of motion intervened. 
I would like you to keep in mind that the human being whom we placed in 12:01, even dead, rots, which proves it doesn’t exist in 12:01.
If he is not in 12, in 12 02, in 12:01, where is he?
All this proves that the human being does not even exist. This is just an illusion. This is an illusion of a mutation which invented time for itself and, by inventing time, it got out of the sphere of reality.
By getting out of the sphere of reality, this human being no longer exists in the equation – Universe and Creation-, but only in a simulator which, factually, as development, does not exist in the Universe.
In conclusion, if you want to exist, you must prove first of all that you think.
Otherwise, you will permanently exist in the past, in the future and in an unstable present.
Just like lab rats. That’s what you are now.
You use love, fantasy, beauty, joy, but you’ve never had anything like this. You use terms which you don’t even know.
You exist today, but without yesterday, there is no tomorrow. Which means today is out of question.
I really wonder if you have understood something of my example.
In order for you to exist in a real space, you cannot exist by yourselves, on your own.
You think you have friends, spouses, children, but those who fill your illusion with their presence are just like you.
You exist between 12 and 12:02, namely nowhere.
In order for you to exist, to be recorded in Eternalness, along with you, the environment, the nature and the other species should exist at the same time. You are separate from all these; so where do you exist?

Another aspect is – environmental and existing pollution measurement.
How strange you are, aren’t you!
You exist in a time which doesn’t exist, but you also control something which you don’t know how to control.
There is no literature that does not mention that pollution is based on deforestation. Bravo to you! You must be very backward if you calculate environmental pollution in relation to the forest.
It would be better for whoever calculates, – and you all do – , the pollution in relation to the forest, to choose a very good psychiatrist to give you some little cubes to play with, to make lego, instead of playing with nonsense that you don’t understand.
You will ask me to show you how to calculate the environment.
I will answer you with pleasure, I will leave slack-jawed, because you will prove to yourselves that what I am saying is true, and not what you have calculated for thousands of years.
But I am willing at any time to show you a way – the Way of Truth, only you should realize that!
Please pay attention to how the environment is calculated, lest you become embarrassing when you calculate it in relation to the forest.
The environment is calculated in relation to death.
Let me give you an example. At the North pole, a seal died. Because it no longer had energy to sustain it, because it ran out of energy. It is this rotting seal that affects the environment, or an ant in Africa, or a dying body, or a degradation in some part of the space where you are, but not the forest!
Do you want to prove this to yourselves?
It is simple: take off these fine gloves of yours, go with your entire team in the forest and please cut down with chainsaws 1.000 trees. Remove those 1.000 trees from the area where they were felled, and please watch what will happen after 40 days across the deforested surface, stemming from the cut trunk of the tree.
Let me tell you, so there can be no doubt. All cut trunks, everything around the trunks will be green with shrubs stemmed from the trunks, everything will be green and will give off more oxygen than the cut trees.
What do you say, my dear ones, is there any doubt?
I’d like to ask you to control and measure the environment with the measure I have just introduced, namely with death, the death of everything around you.
You can give each other as many Nobel Prizes as you want, unless you find the Way I show you, you will end up like Nobel, to pollute the environment. You know how Nobel ended up, don’t you? Downright dead. He even polluted the environment, moreover.
Life is everlasting. What matters is every man’s choice.

I am now entering another stage with my micro-society, a stage in which I will obtain spectacular results as regards the insects and my micro-society’s control over them.
You might contradict me and say that, yes, it is a development, but it takes a lot of time.
I think you forget that you are talking with a MAN who knows the TRUTH.
If I leave my micro-society without help, they will die, just as you do. I am very strict, I don’t allow mistakes. I help every member of my micro-society, but also have expectations from them. I expect them to evince thinking.
If the outstanding members of the Simulator society need a lifetime to detect something, a worthy member of my micro-society will be able to organize the energy in his own body so he can coordinate it towards the environment where he is, in a very brief while.
I will only ask them, for the first exercise, a tuning fork. With this tuning fork, I will ask them to detect what the trunk of normal tree means, what sound the trunk of the same tree has, when humid and with soaked leaves, and what the difference between all sounds of the same trees is, yet in many hypostases, including the one when the trunk goes through a drought period.
I will make them, though a tuning fork, with previous exercises, detect the sound of the car, and whether the car is loaded, partially loaded or empty. I will make them merge with the sound of the tuning fork vibrating in their hand.
I wish you much success in your approaches towards the Nobel Prize!
I will not teach my men what Nobel did, because Nobel merely lived and died and he is downright dead for a long time. He no longer exists even factually, since he is all ashes.
For me, death doesn’t exist. Therefore, between me and Nobel, there is a huge chasm, which I can cross, while Nobel can’t, since he is dead!

Let’s leave poor Nobel alone and discuss a little, approaching the subject of light and darkness.
There is light and darkness, different every time, not the same. You call them day and night.
I will teach my micro-society how to smell the day.
Every day has a certain smell, or rather it reeks. It is redolent of rots of all types.
I will teach my micro-society how to create an energy space for themselves that allows only pure atmosphere, which they have previously processed, to reach their senses.
With this approach, men under development will exist, namely members of micro-society, but also you.
The difference is that you will be able to see my micro-society through every member, because he will exist in the Instant, living in the real instant, developing. 
As for you, they will hear you, but you will not remain in their memory, because you will be tantamount to the mice passing by on the street.
Simply, a mutant species, which you have no reason to remember. Because you would open a drawer that you don’t have what to use for.
A drawer of death is not to be opened. It is alright to consult this resultant of involution, to see where the mistake lies, but there’s no reason to remember it.
I assure you that no one in my micro-society wants to return where he started from, namely your macro-society.
I assure you that the members of my micro-society have no longer any hatred or any negative.
They don’t envy you for anything, because they know very well that Eternalness exists; death existed for them, but they are long gone from there.
And 12:00 o’clock doesn’t exist.

By Master Mavrino
January 14, 2019

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