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NEW Components Introduced Into Development -Evaluation

In the Universe, life is given so you can know, understand, develop and evolve on a permanent basis.
On Terra, in this simulator, life is given to you.
Except that you don’t use it appropriately.
Here, life means fear, failures, apprehension, unfulfillments, moral inconsistency, high violence.
Here, the human beings guide themselves by traditions, myths, legends; and the cerebral capacity is used so as to be turned against everything around you and especially your fellow men, your neighbours.
You know very well that many persons without dignity or honour came to me. They did not have any. You also know very well how they left. It’s not even worth troubling my head about such human dregs.
I accept anyone who tells me something; this is a key – by the fact that he gives me something. Some of you know perhaps what they should give me, others may not know yet. Don’t expect me to supplement my team by receiving dregs.
One or another may sneak in, such as those who came and then ran away, with everything they could carry along. 
Somebody may still sneak in, because there are many diabolical masks. The maleficent force, on this planet, is great.
My challenge lies not only in teaching you. My challenge is also succeeding, as for a maleficent person, in making him understand that he was and still is maleficent.
You’d better realize that what we are doing is not a school. It is not a Doctorate or a Master’s Degree of higher education. It is a microsociety. This means something else. This means a total change of attitude and direction, of purpose, in seeking and finding the ideal and its sources.
If you didn’t know, I confirm this to you, that only 1 in 10 million can be accepted by me. Only 1 in 10 million are very likely to fulfil the conditions I impose.
It is not very easy to change a brain intoxicated and fed with negatives, into a completely purified brain from grey cells, changing into crystalline cells, and forming a real thinking.
For this goal, you can’t possibly be poor. A poor human being necessarily has a criminal thinking.
Many might get upset with me for this information.
Unfortunately, I regret, but I repeat: unfortunately, this is the truth. A man poor in funds – this is a proof that he hasn’t turned his thinking to good account, that he is lazy.

Darwin was right, but in what sense?
He wanted to transmit the following:
That the man manifests himself like an ape. Even if he actually wanted to prove that the man originated in the ape.
In order to amend Darwin and to give a sense to the ape, I will explain to you what happened.
The man was a man, but with qualities, because that’s what man mean, the man doesn’t have negatives.
The man didn’t have a dwelling or anything else, when he first made it to Terra. He had, at first, to provide for himself, to sustain his existence in caves, in grottoes. Even if he was developed, the cold was still there. The man was not developed enough to change the rhythm of energy and thus to get warm. The men slept together, they sometimes lit the fire, but they always woke up at the first ray of sun, namely at 10 to 6, and began to create at the last ray of sun – 19:45.
Over time, the men built houses for themselves. They got warm. They began to wake up at 8 o’clock in the morning and to set their working schedule until 18:00. Later on, bringing further improvements, they started working from 10 o’clock to 16:00. Continuing like that, the sleep and the interruption of their job only occurred as the need arose.
That’s how, men’s laziness changed them into apes.
Usually, the apes, unless you give them bananas, scream and make repelling sounds. That’s how the ones you can see around you, the regressed ones, do in their turn.
That’s how we get to Darwin and his ape.
Darwin studied his ape, because, after all, he was studying it every day.
When it comes down to this, do you know how many Darwins are there now? Almost all of them have a monkey at home. Unfortunately, there are not too many, as these days the monkeys get married among themselves.
Wouldn’t it be better to get rid of the monkey, if you have it, and to force the channel of development, so as to understand that life is not an easy choice; but if you choose it and stick to the program, this program will reward you?

You might not have noticed, but for two weeks I have introduced a new component in your development. I’d like you to pay great attention to what I am telling you.
When you rest, at night, but something wakes you up, I’d like to ask you, before going to the toilet, not to think that it is the urge to go to the toilet that woke you up.
I am preparing you psychologically for what I am going to tell you.
You might not have noticed, but when you suddenly wake up, beside your bed, there is, every time, a woman. She has a darker outline than the darkness in the room, but she has a certain light, a bit diffuse, which represents her, nevertheless. See that she’s doing something. She is always performing a procedure, being seated at your feet and on the side opposite to you. The more you reach out to caress her, the more she moves away. The more you take your hand to your heart, the more she draws near, but she is doing something.
She has a garment. As for the garment, I will not tell you what is contains and what colours it has. You will definitely glimpse her and get wise to this, because I have already prepared you, and you must communicate to me what garments and what colours she wears.
I repeat: I am interested in her attire and in what she is doing. You might not get it, but she is doing something with her hands.
This is the novelty I have introduced.
These are experiences you have had so far, but extended over long periods. Now you will have exceptional experiences, but very often.

I also have a wish, as far as you are concerned, each of you. From this moment, I will not assess the senior men within the micro-society, the men with expertise within the micro-society.
Another component which I introduce from now is that, once every 40 days, an evaluation will be conducted.
Starting on February 1st, after 40 days you will have to me your grade with the evaluation ranging between 0 and100. You assess yourselves. This is fairly objective, isn’t it?
I am not a forbearing man, I have already said that. Now I have introduced programs which are utter novelties in terms of thinking, of perception, of orientation, of space, of time, given that there is no time.
Now, depending on all this, depending on your thinking, it is only natural and objective for you to assess yourselves.
Once every 302 days, based on your evaluation, I will tell you, in percentages from 1 to 100, how objective you have been in comparison with my imprints.
I am only a professor, that’s all. A professor who evaluates and gives grades from 1 to 10.
If you, as a man, have given all you have in my hands, you can’t possibly get more than a 7, unless you have worked wonders. Know that you can work wonders. When you achieve one, I will tell you.
Normally, most of you, in relation to macrosociety, regardless of the position you occupy in macrosociety, you will be always evaluated with the maximum grade. I will not give you more than 7, if I do. Do you know why? Because society’s evaluation is related to life – death, whereas my evaluation is in relation to the life of eternalness.
If I want someone to be apt for eternalness, I must take even the last drop of sap out of him.
Forcing the limits develops the brain.
Unless you force the limits, it would be only fair for you to transfer yourself into Darwin’s dimension, to study yourself.
I only accept around me men who force their limits.
I wish you the best of luck in your self-evaluation.
You are blessed.

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