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Q&A 0054 – Civilizations – Mysteries Revealed

Question 1 from Anca:

“The Man has unlimited freedom for anything.
The man, not the rabbit. The man is the same, but the rabbit, in the instant of the past, the instant of the present and the instant of the future is another rabbit, not the same.”
– I thought that the man was in permanent change, according to the instant of the present and the instant of the future, by means of accumulation of data obtained through research. There is definitely a difference of manifestation between man and rabbit; but still, I can’t understand why the man remains the same.

Answer by Master Mavrino:

My microsociety is obliged to study every text I am offering, not only to read it.

In the example given here, it is about rabbit and man, and the comparison I made.

The man has corporal stability in terms of form. In terms of content, he is different, every time different.

The man is in permanent evolution. The resultant of this evolution is his permanent change in terms of cell content of the body and the brain. Every instant, the human body, and especially his thinking, is in permanent change, replacing the less useful cells with useful crystalline cells.

The man permanently develops, because this is his designation. The other species have another regime. They maintain man and nature.
This is the difference between MAN and the other species.

The man continues – goes on, he is the same, because he is in permanent change, but his cells change. Thereby, the man remains the same as a species, but permanently enriches in terms of evolution.

The rabbit you saw in the previous dimension was for the previous dimension. There, the rabbit uses whatever it needs.

The rabbit and any other species don’t have the body that would enable them to pass from one dimension into another. In the current dimension, the rabbit is different, and it maintains until you, as a man, in relation to the species, leave that dimension.

After you leave a dimension for another one, and the passage occurs, the nature in this dimension, the man, the celestial bodies, they remain the same, only richer.

As for nature, after thousands of instants, a part which exhausted its energy is changed, replaced with other parts of living nature, having a strong energy.

The man has the opportunity to develop. That’s what he does.

What I am doing now, in this instant, is to be along with the dead in a dead simulator.

Among all the dead, there are also men in the making. They are in a very small percentage, but they are worth it; and that’s why I am present.

You, as a chosen society, should also give a proof – by what factor you are chosen.

You are not chosen for having horns or not having horns.
You are not chosen for being more or less rich.

You are chosen due to your having a living spirit, or at least a part of it, and because there is possible for you to become men.

Of course, you must take into consideration that, for this purpose, you should prove that you have an ideal, which does not contravene any law of macrosociety, an ideal which you defend.

In my microsociety, first and foremost you must become Sir.
So that, afterwards, you enter amongst the Men in the Making.
This means that you must enter the first step of your becoming.

In order to become Sir, you must have a highly superior poise, behavior and involvement, in relation to macrosociety.
Your poise must correspond to your thinking.
You can’t become Sir with a poise without dignity and honour.
The dignity and honour are part of a human quality.

In order for you to understand that there is life, you need very much literature and forethought.

You skipped many stages, but you had the advantage that you could learn directly from me. In line with normality, it would have taken you tens of thousands of hours of reading, but you have replaced it with what you have received from me, theoretically, as well as practically.

I have explained and given you keys for all the unknowns you had.

Many civilizations reached the apogee, but this did not guarantee what you avail yourselves now, namely the possibility of the reverse process – from human being to change into a MAN.
You have this opportunity.

The elite of the Egyptian civilization, namely those who used each and every cell to help them make it to and develop in the environment of the Universe, achieved their goal.

The majority, nevertheless, could not achieve this goal.

The Egyptian civilization left behind thousands of mummies.
The fact that they are from another time does not mean they were regressed.

In their turn, the Mayans, the Persians, as well as any other civilization, as there are many, reached the brink of an imminent catastrophe of the planet.

The imminent catastrophe of the planet, as I have explained to you, but I repeat: means anarchical disorder on the surface of the planet, influenced by the polluted environment.

It is not the disorder that alarmed the scientists of the Egyptian civilization. The scientists of that time noticed a phenomenon due to pollution, a phenomenon which boded the end of the human species.

What they discovered and is the key pointing to the end of a human civilization is the lack of vital pollen and the imminent disappearance of the bees.
The bees live as long as there is vital pollen. Afterwards, they disappear.

Let’s study a little the mummies which were discovered in Egypt. What Terra’s scientists did was to study these mummies.

The studies conducted on the mummies were made with an interest in history and in the state of the mummies. Wrong, totally wrong.

There are some signs which are present on all the mummies and which prove everything that happened during the mummification and the reason of the mummification.

These mummies are of a dark blue, slightly to violet colour. This means that these mummies are not the originals, but the originals are stored somewhere inside the planet.

This proves that those few Mayan mummies which were discovered, are not the originals, as well; but the way in which they were mummified shows that there are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of other Mayan mummies, inside the planet.

The very close connection between the Egyptians and the Mayans can be seen.

1. The first change which I have told that you can see is the colour of the mummy – dark blue.

2. The second is the layer which the mummies are covered with.
The layer which the mummies are covered with contains 10 layers, so the mummies remain visible until now, as well as from now on, unlimitedly.

3. The third step is that it can be proven they are not the originals, which means the originals are wholly covered with something. That something is a mixture of honey, resin and venom in different proportions, but very precise.

4. The fourth step, but very easily visible, is that, in the neck of each mummy, there is a sting which is definitely violet. This means that the civilization was so well developed, that it had high-performance syringes.

5. The fifth factor is the way in which, in five parts of every mummy, a mixture of substance was introduced, which did not allow the deterioration of the mummy. They kept the possibility of harvesting tissue.

6. The sixth component is that, over the heart, in every mummy, there are two signs. Those two signs indicate that the clone is at the second cloning. This means that the mummified clone has at least 4000 years. A clone resists between 4000 and 8000 years.

7. The seventh sign which could be deduced and which is obvious is that the mummies don’t have blood. Except that, in the blood vessels, in their veins, there is a sand-like substance. This doesn’t prove anything else but that the clone was superior and, by a certain mixture in which crystalline cells were introduced, improving the osseous system, the clone has a long duration. This means that the osseous system is different from the one of any other human being now, on Terra.

8. The eight sign which can be discovered on these mummies is that they were wrapped in bandages, but also that those bandages were not in textile fabric. This means that, on the planet, when those clones were mummified, there were still cocoa trees. Because the bark of the cocoa tree can be transformed into bandage by specific procedures.

9. The ninth sign is that the hands of the mummies are wrapped differently. There is a wraparound which starts with the left hand, passed under the arm of the right hand, and then, at the next step, the right hand is also caught in.
This proves that the mummies had to be resuscitated within maximum 3000 years because they, the mummies, were prepared to have their own energy for 3000 years.
The isolation of the left side from the right side, namely hands and legs, proves that, in that mummy, the energy circulated for almost 3000 years. And the resuscitation raised no problem.

10. And at last, the tenth part, proving that the mummies shone in some parts, which means that there was a substance which the mummies were covered with after the completion of the mummification process, a substance which shows how the mummies can be resuscitated.

Enumerating the 10 steps for you, any human being who deals with anthropology and history, and who studies, not only so as to get his wages, proves that the Egyptians mummified the mummies according to the Mayan method.

Only the Mayans could function from 10 to 10. The Mayans rearranged things in 10 minutes, 10 hours or 10 000 years. This proves that these mummies could resist for maximum 10 000 years.

The scientists on Terra now know the 10-to-10 principle. It is the Mayan civilization’s principle of existence.

What I have explained to you about mummies is reality, I know all the substances used and I see a multitude of mistakes.

There is a substance which should not have been introduced, by any means, in an orifice where the Egyptians introduced it. But this is also the Mayan’s mistake, as well as many others.

On the other hand, these mummies prove a clearly superior progress to this civilization where we are now.

In conclusion, let there be no mistake about it – the civilizations that existed in other times, knew the dimensions and a definitely superior technique to the computers now.

If we study the Egyptians’ pyramids, as well as small temples, if the study the Mayans’ way of observing the sky, we will prove to ourselves that, upon looking at the big picture, from the sky, we can notice that the Egyptian settlements, as well as the Mayan settlements seem to strikingly resemble the Milky Way, with all the planets included.

I think that now the scientists who are reading my material have fainted a little in their chairs.

They don’t have to faint, they only have to open their photographs and place them one next to the other.

That would explain – a pyramid placed at a certain distance from another and why they are placed like this.

Which only leads us to the thought that those civilizations had a direct connection with the Universe.


If we look at the Great Canyon, we will see that, in its turn, it is arranged in a specific mathematical order, which means that another civilization existed there and the archaeological dig was not done as it should, in order to discover them.

If anyone had been interested in listening and in interpreting correctly the message of the Great Canyon, he would have discovered something.

The cliffs are arranged in a specific way. If you sit in a certain place, once with the speeding up or slowing sown of the wind, some sounds resound.

As for those sounds, if they are compared to the Mayans’ sounds, each sound has a word, or some of them form a word, which means that all this is an everlasting message, a message which shows you where to search so as to slowly, gradually discover the message of all civilizations, determining you to function in such a way as to wake the mummies.

If you wake the mummies, you will receive the message of the civilization.

We, as the White Brotherhood, that’s what we do. We carry further the researches of all civilizations, until they reach our purpose. This means, until you become the first threshold of the Man under Development.

There are a great many to say here, but what I have said is enough.
I have transmitted the WAY where the Creator talks with the human beings. The Way in which anyone can hear His voice.

It is good, before studying in-depth what I have described you, to start with Leonardo DaVinci’s three-dimensional paintings, so as to see what this man transmits, as well as Michelangelo, through the Sistine Chapel.

Leonardo DaVinci’s painting does not depict Jesus, as the majority believe.

For that man who transmits by his three-dimensional gaze, something must be placed on the lateral wall, so you can see what he transmits. He is a scientist who transmits something.

I have given you many clues. Clues that no human being is or will be forsaken if he really wants to get somewhere.

In the first place, he should teach you to kneel and he should transmit something verbally, which is a brief sentence, with a huge content.

If he teaches you to kneel, you will definitely learn to rise and to fly.

If you don’t know how to kneel, what awaits you is to know only how to lie horizontally.

Answer by Master Mavrino
January 24, 2019

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