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Q&A 0055 – The Universe’s Perfect Order. Missions

Question 2 from Anca:

“The percentages of development and appreciation are, for example, 100. They are in relation to you. If the collective memory had existed, as it exists in the simulator, it can’t be appropriately divided, but only evenly”
– What does collective memory mean? The fact that there are data which men know, the same or with differences of interpretation, and which all employ evenly in their research?

Answer by Master Mavrino: 

The collective memory is the personal memory in relation to the Operating Principles of the Universe.

It is simple: let’s assume that the Principles of the Universe are: to wake up, to wash yourself, to take your breakfast and to go and carry out your activity where you are supposed to.

All the Universe must abide by what I have just said.

The collective memory is used in common missions.

The common missions take place on a permanent basis, only the participants are different, every participant has his own path on the Way of Development.

But in team missions, the collective-memory principles and not the individualist manifestations are employed.

Normally, in collective missions, a team is resorted to, which consists of 90% with the same percentage of development and of 9% with a higher level, while 1% are those who answer for that mission.

There are different periods; to wit teams from all levels of development, for more extensive actions, are periodically organized. On this occasion, those with a lower percentage learn from the ones with a higher percentage, by observing them.

In the Universe, everyone knows where his place is. No one raises claims over another position, he doesn’t attempt to disturb anyone, as he is not disturbed by anyone, as well.

In the Universe, there is perfect order, which is abode by.
Everlastingness is based on perfect order, not on fear.

There is the Conscience, which morally binds every man to observe the Principles.

The Universe functions precisely because there are these Principles.
No one wants, forasmuch as the Conscience exists, the Principles to disappear.

All know that Eternalness is born of Light, it gives Light; but, unless Light is respected, it will be ended by Light.

There is no lack of thinking in the Universe, there is just THINKING.

Thinking is positive; however, we cannot give it this qualifier, because, by giving THINKING any qualifier, we would also allow “negative thinking”. The term “negative thinking” is a contradiction. Either THINKING, or negative.


Here, in the Simulator, “positive thinking”, “positive sight”, “positive life”, and many of this kind are often used.
If we take this as an example, this means we contest the being in question, by stating that he can think positively, but he can also think negatively.

There is no such thing.

Either you think and have results; or you don’t think and die a little.
This little means forever, while the others develop.

How to proceed and act is everyone’s choice.
Just as you acted, so you will find.

Answer by Master Mavrino
January 24, 2019

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