• The Art Of Knowing

    Everything About The Universe

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    Beyond Reality Society

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I don’t expect all the human beings to understand me. Most of them have no way to understand me, because they don’t have the means to. 

The human beings have brains by birth, better or less good, depending on the purity of the genetic material.

This brain functions to its full capacity supplied. What is missing is the human being’s evolution, the order of evolution, in order to attain a beneficent outcome

Beneficent outcome means reproductive capacity of the nerve cell, namely of the neuron, which should have a crystalline basis.

The crystalline basis should extend into the osseous system, but also tissues and organs, in other words, it should encompass the whole body.
This does not happen at all.
In this case, the brain operates as long as it has neurons to function correctly and unless they are depleted.

Depending on the environment, stress and many others, the body remains without the necessary support; it slowly grows old, gets sick, and the human being dies.


We are in a huge simulator which is taken out of Terra and which is in a secondary loop. 
The human beings can’t possibly see this, because they are in the simulator.

Many so-called phenomena, which are in fact normal events, occur and furthermore coordinate the environment according to the involution in this simulator.

Ever since the involution began to exist, ever since the first moment, the men have changed into human beings. And the human beings, into a mutant species.

Human beings employ the time factor, which is totally harmful.

Why is it harmful?

Due to the fact that, when you, as a being, are under pressure, for instance, you are running out of time or are on the clock, so as to get to a meeting or to work. Unless you get there on time, you bear many consequences, administrative, as well as moral, as far as you are concerned, because your wages might be cut.
So as to make it on time, you commit a lot of mistakes, both in road traffic, and of any other nature, only to make it.

When I have said “many mistakes” dictated by time, I have been referring to permanent involution, due to the time constraints.

Here, the fear factor intervenes, as well, fear of consequences.


Let’s stop for a moment here and return to the beginnings of the planet’s existence, and then we will resume this subject.


Throughout involution, the human beings, due to the fear, created for themselves several factors to soothe them.

Religions, for example. The various religions have different gods.

Those personalities who participated in the creation of a religion were very clean both morally and in terms of thinking. They wanted the human being to evolve and did everything for this purpose.

Those personalities, of any religion, instead of helping with their example, did not attain this outcome, because the human beings transformed them into gods. Once they were deified, the human beings started asking them anything, so as to pass easier through life.

With the passage of time, the human beings, not understanding those personalities and their example, started deifying even fellow men of theirs.

Look at how many saints are in all religions!

Why is this?

Because the human beings, at one point or another, believe themselves gods.

Normally, this occurs between 19 and 37-40 years old.

This is the age when the human beings rarely get sick, and hence consider themselves gods. 

The human beings interpret the examples in religion just as it best suits them.

Of course, when you interpret like this, subjectively, you will never get an objective and correct result.

In every generation, there are, in Christianism, 2-3 mentally ill who present themselves as Jesus, Mother of God, or any other saint.

These individuals with speculative thinking believe themselves energy channels by which they communicate with the saints.

Can’t these mentally ill wretched think of a simple thing?

In Christianity, for example, Jesus has no topic of discussion with the regressed human being.

Jesus can, if He wills, as He is the Lord God of all Christians, come into contact with someone who can receive well and transmit something.
The speculators entered this field, as well, and compromised it.


No one has thought – and now I’m making the connection with the first part of what I have written you – about the “TIME” factor.

The time factor constrains you, the moment you have a huge pressure and have no peace and quiet, to go wrong at every step. Your existence is a lamentable mistake.

How would like to be taken to the heaven you await? How would you like it be all yours and do whatever you want there? If you are a retiree here, where you want to get, you’ll be still a retiree, until you give the proof of thinking. After you give the proof of thinking, you might stop the process of senescence and control your age.

If that’s the way you think, why don’t you think that no one will put you through the rotting system, so you can get to something beautiful?

Why don’t you think that you can sanctify the place where you are, namely here?

Where you are, unless you amend yourself and take the necessary steps, unless you rid yourself of the “time” factor, you won’t obtain anything, anywhere, because you are compromised.

No one studies attentively this civilization, the last, in which we are now.

What kind of civilization is this, which buries its human beings?

What kind of civilization is this, whose only achievement lies in instantaneous telecommunications, via satellites and via an internet network, by which both dirty underwear and stale individuals, yet presenting themselves as very viable, sell?

What kind of civilization is this, which doesn’t lay emphasis on human development, but emphasises the permanent dominance over the slaves?


The MONEY factor is brought into derision.

As for the currency, in this simulator, it is not covered by anything. For each dollar or every euro, there should be a gram of gold or other valuable metals in the banks.  

No one realizes that money is printed without any control. As much is necessary, just as much is printed, without being covered.

All civilizations did so. Napoleon, in this civilization, did the same. Alexandre Macedon, before. Hitler, with the money from the occupation which brought it in.

No one really thinks about the lack of coverage of the currency which is in circulation.
No one thinks which would be the only guarantee that can cover currency, as it were.

If this currency you own is covered by a gram of gold, and you are compensated, for having lost it, with gold, will you be eating gold, or what?

The only valid coverage for the circulating currency, so one can definitely state it is covered, are the food resources, the annual harvests.

The ratio harvest – coverage, is at minus, all over the planet.

Human beings suffer from scarcity of food.

The environment is destroyed.

Of course, there are a great many organizations, a great many beings who assert this. Nevertheless, no one does anything in this respect.

Not that you can do anything, as there’s no way you can, since everything is already compromised.

However, even the thought that you could makes you better and more rational.


Now I will expose a situation which seems taken from SF movies, which is good for you to study, if you only have the means to.

The Simulator consists of instants. These instants include the cerebral involution of the man who has ended up as a mutant, by reactions, effect and impact.

Every instant is dynamic. In every instant, there is one or there are several persons who affected somehow the Creation and its Principles.

The involution is brought to extreme, in all instants.

This means that those human beings, attaining the stage of mutant, have total modifications, the bending of the spine, changing into a mutant, with a 40-cm tail.
A mutant who eats anything, a mutant who can exist even without oxygen.

Darwin explained something in the Theory of Evolution, but what kind of theory is this, in which the ape turns into a Man?

In order to conduct experiments on an ape, you should do this, on a specimen, for maximum 40 years. The ape dies, you must take another specimen.

This proves that the Theory of Evolution doesn’t exist, not that it exists.

The human beings, changing into mutants, have complemented this joke of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, with the Conspiracy Theory.

A theory which encompasses the Stockholm Effect, as well as many others, as if everyone worked against everyone. Another nonsense!

Regardless of how many theories you have issued, you should understand that, whatever theory might apply to you, if you give the proof of thinking, by studying, you will evolve and amend all the mistakes in your bloodline.

You will definitely discover that the brain and its proper operation offer unimagined results and satisfactions.

You can create for yourselves shields by which nothing of everything around affects you.

Of course, there will be many voices rising to contradict me, but I state the following: I am not interested in whom- and whatsoever might contradict me. I don’t get into an argument with anyone.

I discover a small part who are still men, I extract them out of the mutants and I show them the Way towards development.
The only valid thing I am in search of is proper thinking.

Into this instant where we are now, all the oxygen out of all the other instants is extracted, so this instant can be viable and filled with nature, species and human beings, and a small part of the remaining men.

It is from this instant that the extraction will be performed for the exit to another planet, a planet where the first steps could be taken into a real, clean atmosphere.

For the rest, the Simulator will function as before.

Namely, for Satan.
You have never thought about what “Satan” is, have you?
You have associated him with Lucifer, with the Devil.

Even if you think deeply, you won’t discover what “Satan” is, but I will explain this to you now.

“Tan”, in Egyptian civilization, means “permanent involution”.
“Sa”, Mayan civilization, means “permanently degrading”.

The Simulator is “Satan”.

You have altogether misinterpreted some things. I am not surprised. If you had studied, you would have discovered many resources.


We go to the Mithraic religion.

Mithra comes from two sources.
He may come from a stone, namely hewn into stone, whom Ra god, namely the Sun, gave life to; or from a virgin.
The common conclusion was reached to consider Mithra’s birth from a virgin.

But the fact that Mithra has two birth sources, why hasn’t it been food for thought?

Because you haven’t succeeded, have you?

Let’s seek – how to unravel the enigma which shows Mithra’s birth?
We go to the virgin, and study what virgin means. Virgin means a virgin place on Terra. Stone implies a huge mountain. We keep on studying. The virgin gives birth and maintains. The stone consists of small sandy particles which, combined with water, form the cliff.

This shows that, in a virgin place, in a big mountain range, under a waterfall, because it is about water, there is a huge doorway for you to enter and find food resources.

See how many things the deep study shows to you?

But, so as to open this stone, you need something more. To know what the Mayans prayed to, what they appreciated the most. The Mayans worshiped heat, namely the Sun and respectively the Creator, by the fact that they identified Him with the Sun.

The Mayans had natural laboratories, which can still be found now, functioning as observers of the sky, of the stars.
The Mayans extracted their food and also worshipped the Earth.

What does this mean?

This means that you must press on an inscription when you enter the rock, up to the sun, laterally to the stars, in 2 places, as there is both clear and cloudy sky, and down, once, so as to open the cliff.

If you make a mistake, you can try several times until you succeed, because part of the Mayans’ laboratories still exist nowadays.

Which means nothing falls apart. All you have to do is press correctly.

See that the only real source is THINKING?

The only way of reacting for you, as a human being, is by evolution and once with evolution, REMOVING THE TIME FACTOR.

After this stage comes to an end, from this Simulator, the oxygen will be again distributed to all dimensions, which means that this dimensions will be occupied by what most of you actually are. That is, curved mutants, with a 40-cm tail.

Evolution is the only normal way for you to elude this real prediction I’m offering to you.

However, when you come to the part with the theory of evolution, just think – what else, other than what I have shown you -, annihilates this unsubstantiated and totally wrong hypothesis!

The theory of evolution encompasses everything. It does not only include this joke with the ape turned into a human.

If it encompasses everything, this means the turtle should turn into a dinosaur, the rabbit should become carnivorous, the wolf should turn into a bear, and the bear into an ant.

If you dare say I’m joking, you’d better think – who started first.

You believe in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, don’t you?
You admit you were the first to start, don’t you?

I am glad for you, if you admit this, that you’ve got at least some paralysed neuron by which to admit this.

You don’t have to believe me!
Believe in everything around you!
It is a disaster, isn’t it?
I want to pull you out of this disaster.

But in order for me to pull you out of this disaster, there are some conditions.

The first and the most important of them all is, for the one who gets – if he can ever get – to me, to give the proof of his thinking.

By Master Mavrino
January 27, 2019

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