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Let’s play a game in our imagination.

The medium level, in terms of education, on planet Terra, is between 9 and 10 grades and a half.

This is the situation, due to the fact that there are very many illiterates from several more underdeveloped countries; that’s why the average is low.

This doesn’t mean that there are no highly clever human beings on this planet.

There are, for certain.

In this imaginary game, I will ask questions to a medium-level human being.

The first question will be: Who was Aesop?

His answer will be that he doesn’t know.

The second question: When was Aesop born: date, month and year. But, with precision, even the time of his birth.

He will answer that he doesn’t know.

The third question I will ask: When did Aesop die? Date, month, time, year.

He will answer that he doesn’t know.

After he answers me these questions, I will show him a shroud and tell him that this is the shroud in which Aesop was wrapped.

How much naïveté could a person have since, even if he does not know Aesop’s day of birth, day of death and who Aesop was, he still flings himself on the ground, cries his heart out and kisses Aesop’s shroud?

In this case, how can naïveté be measured? Just for me to know.

On the other hand, if, for example, Aesop stated that his home would be elsewhere and not here, why should he have left a shroud? It makes no sense.

These are my questions, to which I have no answer.
Or maybe I don’t want to have.
I believe in human beings.
And, for certain, I don’t want to find out that they prove to me that I have no reason to believe in them. I do believe.

By Master Mavrino
January 29, 21019

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