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The Creator’s Gift – Yin/Yang – The Way Of Knowledge

The Man is a gift from the Creator for the Creation. The Creator gave the Man to the Creation, in order for the Man to serve the latter, but also for the Creation to serve the Man, in a perfect ambiance.

The ambiance is ensured only by means of a perfect partnership. The Creation and the Man develop together. The Man studies the Creation, but the Creation studies the Man, as well.

Both of them are children. Children who take their first steps. They are happy together, because they walk on the same way, holding hands.

The Man’s head is shaped like half a clepsydra, because the other part of the clepsydra is represented by Creation. They both complement each other, so as to offer brilliance to Light.
In this ambiance, there is only happiness, joy, feeling, merger, by love.

The human brain has the form of what is termed, on Terra, as Yang. The brain merges with the Divine Particle, which is Yin. That’s why there are Yin and Yang.

The Man’s brain, in terms of content, has crystalline cells. These cells are arranged in the form of a spiral, which have the look of – cell after cell; but when the spiral is at its peak, it looks just like a honeycomb. The spiral reaches the peak and then it rotates in the opposite direction.

The spiral has a certain rhythm. There is an active form of the spiral, when it is light; and a passive form, when the Man rests, produces, pulsating in a certain rhythm.

Imagine two honeycombs, one over the other. These two combs are permanently supplied with by a single cell. Never does the production amount to more than a single crystalline cell.

Every time, a cell is born, while another is put out of the equation and goes out through the channels designed specifically for this purpose, so as to be refilled with energy, changing into energy. The rhythm of the production is every time the same.

The rhythmicity does not change in- and because of – anything. It is not influenced by anything.

The Man’s pulmonary system is like the tree leaves. They open and close according to inspiration – expiration.

The Man has a rhythmicity. With every light, namely with every day, the man changes rhythmicity, until attaining a perfect rhythmicity, lest there be anomalies. That pulmonary rhythmicity never changes, once established. In relation to Terra, this occurs every 300 – 350 years along the man’s existence.

The rhythmicity doesn’t change because, if it slows down, that form, which I have explained to you, of leaf, they block and slow down.

They are not acquainted with the change. They know only perfection.

If the rhythm increases, the leaves close and remain like this, for a while.

For the same reason I have shown above – that you inexplicably changed the rhythm.
Under the circumstances that you have changed the rhythm, you exclude yourself from perfection.

The pulmonary activity aims at the oxygen supply, but not only, as well as at the air processing, in terms of temperature, in the pulmonary antechamber. Temperature which corresponds to the body temperature. 

If the rhythm and dynamics of one’s progress is speeded up or slowed down, the leaves remain either open for a little while, or closed, for a little while.

This means total anomaly and allows the pulmonary antechamber to work uncontrollably, outside of the normal rhythm.

There is no such anomaly in the Universe, it has never happened.

Both hands, the right and the left, show the plus and minus polarity of the Creation, of the Universe, which influences and outlines the man’s left part and right part. 

The man’s horizontally opening both hands is the proof is his totally embracing Creation.

This means oxygenation and many others.

If the man closes his eyes, one can see tiny hand movements, which evince the rhythmicity of the environment.

The legs point to stability in relation to water and land.

The Man, standing up, proves how stable and agreeable the soil is. But he proves withal that his legs are neither dry, nor wet, but they are balanced, just as the waters are.

The heart works according to the rhythmicity of the other organs and to the alimentation it receives.

The heart, the kidneys and the other organs correspond, as an expression or reflection of the Universe, to the celestial bodies and to the Perpetuum.

The Man is a micro-universe. The body stands for the extremities of the Universe.

The brain, in itself, has all the imprints, just like the macro-universe.

As a whole, the body and the thinking signify faithful Creation, in all its purity. 

When everything is all right, when the rules of Creation are abode by, the man develops perfectly. In this case, he is also happy, furthermore.

In the Simulator, everything is toxic, due to the involution. I have often pointed to this toxicity.

A virus, every time it emerges, has another form and another type of mutation. In an underdeveloped environment, so is the human being.

Of course, this fact totally influences the thinking. The thinking came down to the level of instinct for one more day.

Cerebral sections are totally blocked, because of excessive pollution. 

The only part which works somewhat within the limits, however under the specification that it is affected by pollution, is the section of memories.

Cerebrally, everything comes down to action, consequences and recollections. 

The action, every time, is incorrect; so is the reaction; whereas the recollection is malformed. This is a normality as against pollution, but an absurdity in relation to the Universe.

The brain, in terms of content, of quality, does not exist. Only memories exist.

Depending on these recollections, the human being plans his actions, but at a such brief pace, under the pressure of time, that it is no longer possible to store correct recollections.

Hence a conclusion can be drawn – that the human being wants to act in a certain way; however, insofar as everything around him is anarchical, he acts just as anarchically.

In his memories, the desire remains stored, as well as an action which is not his, but which is according to this desire.

The human being’s wish is to buy 1 kg of apples, which means 4 apples. The human being, not being quite sure that the 4 apples equal 1 kg, fights until getting the 5th apple, too. In his memories, the fact remains that he bought 1 kg of apples, which means 4 apples, that he brought into the house 4 apples, but he blames the seller for having cheated him, by having tampered with the scale, without remembering he got 5 apples.

The human being, in this context, leads an absurd existence. 
He has a real life; however, through the section of memories he lives with, this reality is being questioned. 

It is very possible for that being to be dead and to live only through memories. These memories are just as the human being wanted them, and not as they really were. 

In this regard, if his conception and his wish do not correspond to reality, he will only exist through nightmares. The nightmare arises when the being wants something, the reality being altogether different; and the desire overlaps reality. 

This existence is possible, after the human being’s death, for 41 days.
Thereafter, the brain decomposes, that is, the cells unite with the cerebral fat, and then it decomposes.

There is another reality, as well. For the human being to be recorded, in as much as he did something, which is not, or which is correct, to wit an exception which must remain as an example in the Simulator.

In this case, the being is taken through his recollections, and a Segment in the Simulator is filled therewith. In other words, this human being lives through this memory of his, which is of interest for the Universe, only for 24 hours, permanently.

The human being, in those 24 hours, can modify his behaviour until the reality and the desire complement each other and become identical.

I hope you got it right. The human being does not exist in actual fact. Only the variant of memories exists, which means – at a cerebral level. The human being is seen by any man who wants this example and who got to that being.

The being does not exist, in physical terms, nor does he know this. The man sees him physically, but knows withal that he doesn’t exist.

That human being’s body has long decomposed. The example remains for ever. Hence, that being lives only through his memory.

Imagine this and you will prove to yourselves that it is a nightmare. For your information, one can escape from this nightmare.
Just one chance is offered.

When the human being wises up to this, and it is possible for him to wise up to his repeating the same scene permanently, to infinity, then something happens and the Creator approves or not that something.

In the human beings’ world, in the Simulator, in every day and night, namely in 24 hours, the human beings’ existence flows.

I’d like to ask you to pay attention, the human beings’ existence is of only 24 hours. It is they that imposed this rhythm on themselves – 12 hours in the daytime, 12 hours in the night, and the 2nd day begins.

Physically, the 2nd day has no way of existing and, if there is no second day, then the human beings live only in those 24 hours, with the illusion that they live permanently.

The Men live in every light, because THEY HAVE NO TIME, and they rest in the darkness. Continuity, Eternalness is ensured and confirmed by the fact that their brain has a crystalline content and by the continuity of the researches they conduct.

The human beings only live for 24 hours, and they have no continuity. But they haven’t wised up to this yet.

I bring this fact to your attention. You can’t pass from day one to day two. Only if you live in illusion. Forasmuch as you live in the same day; you just imagine it, by illusion, as being the second day.

Who would allow you to live more than one day, if you don’t have continuity? Who would allow you to learn in a single day what love, friendship, joy, happiness and many, many others mean?

That’s what the human beings imagine, that they learn all these at the same time.

In imagination, and especially influenced by toxicity, you can afford to do anything, this doesn’t not mean it is also real.

Dreams are a section which is not allowed, since they are an illusion. The facts are reality, and in the Simulator, there are not facts.

The human being should live in reality, should understand the Creation and step into the Way of Knowledge, and not live in illusion.

How could an illusion be called other than sickly, under the conditions that the human being feels happy and glad but, upon looking up and then around, he sees a funeral, a wedding, an act of violence and a child enjoying a balloon?

This means sections of many parts accumulated in one place and brought together in the chapter “Absurd Illusions”.

I don’t think that a human being knows, the moment he is walking down the street and feels safe that, at the same time with him, about 20 million of other human beings live isolated in their houses, being afraid to go out, namely have a schizophrenic-paranoid panic attack.

I can definitely get them out of this panic attack.
I have proved this.
I have proven it many times, although no proof has ever been needed. 

I have also proven that I can cure for good chronic drug consumers and various cancers, such as death.

There was no need for me to prove anyone, and I don’t want to prove anyone anything. 
I haven’t wanted to do this so far, not do I want this from now on.

Let’s imagine a stair.

The human beings are, all of them, on one of the 10 steps of the stair.
My place is on the roof, where I will reach out for someone, or I will not.

Let’s imagine another variant, too.

All the human beings are on the roof, I am on the ground. But the stair is in my hands.
I will set it, for them to climb down, or I will not.

I’d like to ask you to remember. I can reach out and take you, or give you the stair.
What I will do depends on how you behave.


My micro-society makes tremendous effort to make a necessary leap for climbing up the ladder, by themselves.

In the current instant, my micro-society is in the same day; except that, not alone, but together, they are assembling the stair. I am absolutely certain that, after the stair is ready, they will definitely get on the roof. After the roof, they should climb up the stair; except this one is created by the Creator, accepted by the Creator, and offered by the Creator.

My description is accurate, as that’s how the facts will unfold.

Maybe, I am sure that they will succeed, my micro-society, in noticing that the example given above shows the ladder, themselves and the roof.
I am certain that my micro-society will discover that the house is missing.
I am certain that they will discover which would be the solution for the house to be in its place, so the roof fits with it.

Seeing things like this, they make up a puzzle, but a puzzle of the mind, a puzzle of thinking.


In this Simulator, the same day repeats itself over and over again.

The overwhelming majority have chosen Sunday as the day for them to exist. I know however there are beings who have chosen Monday. I am sure they have.

Their puzzle would consist in the fact that the stair is on Tuesday, the house on Wednesday, the roof on Thursday and the Creator’s hand on Friday.

The effort of everyone in my micro-society is to find the way of discovering a door, or of building it, so as to pass onto Tuesday.

It is very possible, out of exaggerated yearning, for them to always jump onto Friday. When they always make it onto Friday, they’re glad for moment; but, thinking over, they lack Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 
And then they start again through Monday.

By Master Mavrino
February 1, 2019

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