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Life and Death

Death and Life on this planet, in the context of the circumstances, are two extreme, almost uncurable affections. That is how they are, due to the fact that there is no evolution, but only involution.

The Big Bang Theory is exceptional. It sounds nice, but only as a theory, not as reality. There is no way a chaos can bring order.

In support of this assertion, the human being’s so-called evolution over time may be provided. Begotten of involution, this involution, namely chaos, is maintained by various laws which are issued at every moment. Just take a look around you! Everything is chaos. Everything is under the dominance of fear. Everything being under the sway of fear is easily understandable and visible.

Darwin’s theory is interesting, in its turn. However, it does not confirm anything other than the fear of death, but also of life. Life, in the context of the human beings’ existence on this planet, is an affection much more dangerous than death. The dead no longer feel anything, whereas the living are always suffering.

Darwin’s theory, also begotten of involution, claims that human evolution stems from unicellular, duo-cellular, multiply-cellular, this division entailing the birth of vegetation, animals, birds and man.

If this theory had been true, the man would have known no end. He would have forged ahead, turned into a winged creature or something else. Conversely, not only has the man not turned into anything else, but he has regressed, moreover, since he has not developed.

Also according to Darwin’s theory, both the animals and the birds would have turned into something – anything else; however, they stagnated. Everything stagnated. Everything having stood still, having lain fallow disproves Darwin’s theory, flagrantly contradicts it.

In this world, something is wrong. And something flagrant, furthermore, if nothing develops; but, on the contrary, starts falling apart and, this way, within a limited time, would disappear. It is only logical and perfect.

Our Organization knows the solution to get out of this situation. It is moreover even proven out. The problem is a very correct one. We know that the only development in order to defeat life and death and to reach eternity comes by Thinking.

Bearing in mind that, on this planet, the process of thinking is very weak and that the human beings are dominated by instincts, we are not offering our truth to anyone, but only to our members. Our members are not chosen according to their mere wish, but to everyone’s capabilities, provided that one has such capabilities. This is only fair, given that anybody can claim to have capabilities. They must be proven.

The ability of thinking is evinced by totally changing your way of existing. There is no way you can nurture the desire to pass into everlastingness, and yet be overcome by legends, myths and traditions.

Sure that the legends, myths and traditions have their role; but their role is to instill fear, so that no individual, in spite of his willingness, could have the force, determination, capability to develop.

Upon analyzing society, we can see plenty of individuals who prefer to commit assisted or less assisted suicide, since they are overwhelmed by many problems that they cannot solve.

What an interesting conception! We should make up our minds and take a stand: either the human being, namely man, has been gifted with thinking, is the dominant part, leads and organizes his existence in a perfect manner; or he is an animal that has some senses, falls ill from a mental illness and fancies himself a man, but actually serves life and death in limited terms.

Here, our attention should be heightened, in order to choose – what is unlimited: life or death?

If we choose that death is unlimited, then we deserve our fate. If we choose that life is unlimited, then we must cut all ties with death, namely all known habits, inurement, myths, legends and start a different way of thinking.

The ascension of our programme covers well the chapters referring to life, age, affection, senescence and total elimination of these terms, moving on to controlled age and everlastingness by thinking.

Sure that everlastingness, from the viewpoint of the masses, is a utopia. Should it be a utopia, why do you believe in different Gods?

A utopia it is because you are too lazy to use your brain. It is much easier for you to exist in total anarchy, by instincts, since you’re allegedly still going to grow old and die.

As an organisation, we are in a severe contradiction with the other people’s conception. However, such an acute contradiction, that we don’t even enter polemic. You may believe in anything, while we may prove and leave you behind to die peacefully.

In the individual conception of yours, you dare say, from the current point of view, that you are powerful and, even if you die, your relatives will have your grave well-tended. We assure you that, in 40 days, no one will even remember you.

In this context, you lived as paranoiacs and exist in post-mortem paranoia. Under these circumstances, how could a dialogue possibly arise with the mentally impaired?

You allegedly enjoy successes in all fields of science. But do you actually have a science, if you haven’t made it farther than around the Moon? Interesting science!

You nurse the medical corpses by means of your devices and medicines. You study very well how you dissected the animals, you discovered some treatments by conducting tests on the latter, but what is particularly interesting is that everything you applied on animals, you are now applying on your fellow human beings. The outcome is that both the animals and your fellow human beings end up dying. Both the animals and your fellow human beings live in an inferno called “life”.

Do you actually believe in something?

This is a utopian question. Forasmuch as what could one-whose-brain-is-impaired believe in?

We live among you, and you deny this. But you should know that the dead deny everything, life included.

We do not want to have any connection to you, but only to the ones with the flame of life within themselves — the flame of life – of truth.

We are not entering polemics with you. We are not disturbing you, we are studying you. And do believe us that our studies are mightily interesting!

If, in the Universe, we study all the beauty of Creation, here we study how a brain that does not function eventually regresses. Both of them help us.

We exist because we research, we don’t raise the issue of how long we will exist, since there is no such limit. We strive to know more and more. The rest is transient.

Where we are, you cannot find out. Forasmuch as we live. Whereas you only exist. We have nothing in common. We are not disturbing your conceptions. We are only studying you.

An exceptional richness lies in studying two affections of the human brain. Two devastating affections – life and death.

The truth is that only everlastingness, development and evolution exist. The rest are just affections worth being studied.


By Master Mavrino
Beyond Reality Society
29th of December 2019

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