• The Art Of Knowing

    Everything About The Universe

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    Beyond Reality Society

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In the Universe, all species, vegetation and everything are known – anything that can be known according to the percentage of development one has reached as an individual.

The more you know, the wider the range of knowledge becomes.

The Man knows about the existence of the Simulator. Inside there, one can learn the process of involution, depending on cerebral modification.

Men enter the Simulator after their own evolution has exceeded 75%.

The Simulator is known as Honisita. This means black hole in bright light.

Here everything is studied, since there is human involution, environmental involution, as well as of the planet’s interior, down to the level where the external-decomposition cells circulate.

The brain is prevailingly studied. The modified human brain.

We have a part with a circuit in correct, but restricted lines. We have 6 fontanelles. Four of them are up in the skull, and two laterally, behind the ears. In the Universe, the fontanelles amount to 21. Here, as a consequence of involution, only 6 have remained.

In the Universe, the fontanelles are covered by skin, but they have pores by which they breathe. The fontanelles never close. There is a defence system, which protects these orifices from threats. The cerebral circuit is linked to the one of the body, to the environment and to the internal circuit, which coordinates the nerves, the tissues and everything that the Man contains.

The cerebral defence feels any movement or modification. If the air is stronger, the fontanelles close a little, lest the cerebral circuit be affected. If the man travels faster, the fontanelles change their circuit and modify it from circular into round.

In case of teleportation or hologramic modification, with the presence in another point, the circuit is in triangles, which closes the fontanelles. According to the rotation speed of the cells and a slower rhythm, a kind of protection is formed, which is stronger than the osseous presence. After the Man resumes the normal functions of the instant, everything goes back to normal and the fontanelles open.

In the Simulator, there is pollution, which constitutes a permanent threat. Consequently, after at most 5 years of age, the fontanelles close for good.

In this case, the human being becomes an active mutation. Active means he exists by vital signs, for a limited period.

The brain splits into 6 parts. One of them is the one which strives to function normally, but in a continually narrowing area. The more time goes by, the smaller the area remains, because its space of activity is very limited.

The brain activity area that knows no negative and sickness or death is central, up, and it has a linear form of maximum 7 cm and 1.8 cm in width. This cerebral part is restricted by other 5 lateral parts and it is oriented towards the spine.

The part around the left ear deals with maintaining the organs oriented on the right side of the human body. The part around the right ear deals with coordinating the left side of the human body and the organs oriented here. The front part of the brain deals with the skin and nails. The part oriented towards the back of the head deals with the bone system and the marrow. The last part is the brainstem. It deals with feelings, orientation, experiences, dreams and bloodstream.

You haven’t forgotten that all these make up 6 parts. This means they are separated, that they have whole portions of cells with no energy charge. They are alive, but they show this only by circulating, they don’t produce anything, in so far as they believe they defend the active cerebral parts.

This is absurd, because, once separated, the brain has no cerebral activity, but it functions as a stand-alone, due to the cerebral part which knows no pandemics and tries to resuscitate the brain, unifying it.

Each cerebral part believes itself the true one and it functions so as to prove this an to annihilate the other existing parts. All of them work at a different pace, self-contained.

Hence the various diseases. Hence flagrant dysfunctionalities appear, which lead to senescence and respectively death.

The brain, working separately, has no more defence, because it does not produce shields. The fontanelles, as they feel danger on a permanent basis, remain totally blocked. The human being, due to involution, is totally vulnerable and that’s how he stays.

He constantly defends himself from affections, namely from air. The air ensures life, but the limited brain defends itself, because it sees air as an adversary. From animals. The animals and everything around the human being are tame, submissive to the human being; but the human being’s brain doesn’t know this and it protects itself. The animals, feeling this, no longer recognise the presence of the dominant thinking, and they attack, so as to dominate. They no longer see a Man, they see another animal, smaller or bigger, depending on the size of the attacking animal.

Since the being can’t master all around him, the nature sees an adversary whom to neutralise, lest it be affected.

The human being without a methodical mind can’t master anything, energetically, because it does not have the environment- and species-coordination energy.

The human being created a closed circuit, because he interrupted, by the closing of the fontanelles, the connection with the evolution and development.

The human being created a closed circuit, which is transmitted from generation to generation. It is a program of fear and continuous defence. This is so, because the human being accepted sickness, senescence and death.

He accepts all this as normal. He split the human body in parts without a coordinator. Six parts, five coordinators. The sixth part, you haven’t forgotten, is the only one which deals with the resuscitation alone.

The consequence is that all five parts die, as the cells remain without energy. This shows by aging and total or partial failure of the body parts whose centre ran out of energy. That’s why you see the elderly in wheelchairs, without energy in their legs, with inactive muscular parts, with bedsores and the entire palette of death.

Don’t get this wrong.

The human being, undeveloped though he is, due to the cerebral part which attempts cerebral resuscitation, does not accept sickness and death. He knows it exists, but still he belives somethig can happen to be saved, nevertheless. That’s how he creates legends that there is life after death.

These legends are not without a certain truth, but a truth which the human being doesn’t know how to interpret.

What’s actually happening? The cerebral motion occurs in six separate parts. The cerebral cells normally circulate together, in geometric shapes, established by the Creator. Here, in the beings, as the brain is sixfold, the cells circulate by groups of six, in an uncoordinated direction. When the cerebral energy is exhausted, what is known by the term of death occurs.

The cerebral-resuscitation group eliminates the useless cerebral part and continues to maintain the body for 21 years. In these 21 years, either the resuscitation succeeds, or the body decomposes once with the total cerebral exhaustion.

Once the body ended up in the ground, in maximum 5-7 years, the matter decomposes. The body decomposes into the parts which it was created of and it fills the inside of the planet.

The divided brain – into six – has a different circuit. It splits into six – six parts and it receives energy impulses as a separate unit, it charges as a stand-alone for 3 years, until it falls apart.

What happens in these three years? This separate unit materializes the human being, by dint of the fact that it looks just like the dead human being looked at various ages. It tries to talk to similar or higher beings in this structure. In other words, those six cells convey the dead person, embodying it just the same, and try to talk to the ones still alive, since they have the same line of death. They unite with other similar cells, of other dead persons. They don’t combine, they unite with other apparitions energetically embodied in groups of as many it can encounter in the ground, in its proximity.

They exist for three years, trying to get in touch with the living, searching for a body where to carry out their activity, still alive.

This can happen, but at most 25 times, for 3 days and nights every time.

They are permanent presences around those still alive. Here, on this planet, in this Simulator, there are many phenomena of underdevelopment worth studying, but NEVER following.

You will certainly study, and not be studied. I can promise you that.

Do you know how much you can learn? An Eternalness!

By Master Mavrino
February 22, 2019

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