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The Truth is, when you are choosing, cultivating and growing wheat, instead of 10 tons, as you should normally harvest, to be harvesting 12. 
This means you have taken good care of it and understood how to choose, how to cultivate and how to harvest.

This is the TRUTH. Is it difficult for you to understand?

The lie is when you imagine that you have chosen the plot for cultivating wheat, when you are telling all your neighbours that you’ll go by cart to cultivate wheat and, instead, you go to bed and sleep all day.
Then, when it’s time to reap the harvest, you come and say that your harvest caught fire. 
They who chose the Truth know for certain you lied to them. 
Normally, they should not support you and hence you would have nothing to eat.

Here a problem arises. 

They who know the Truth have dignity, honour and qualities. 
Of course, not yet wholly formed. But they have these ones. 

Those men pity you and take you to help you in their household and yard.
Here they run a great risk. A risk which proved to be real. 
This risk lies in the fact that many members out of the ones who employed you have learnt the lie from you. How to sell the harvest at a higher price.
With the passage of time, assuming these lies, even they who knew the Truth have lost this quality.

That’s how you’ve changed into a place teeming with illusions, and you exist in illusions.

You don’t abide by no rule whatsoever.


You are creating rules for yourselves, rules which are killing you.

They who know the Truth and have remained in support of the Truth will also know the Light. 

For you, only the electricity is left.

You should know that, anytime, someone can interrupt the feeding of your bulb, from the switch, and you will no longer have a habitat where to exist.

And something more, to know it very clearly:

is open to a relation with any human being.

By Master Mavrino
January 31, 2019

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