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Human beings are very strange. They believe that they are very strong, depending on the age they are, or on the financial possibilities they have. Both of them are insignificant factors for evolution.

Human beings regressed and, in their involution, accepted death. It is very true that they have neither evolution, nor faith in anything than in their own forces, or, as I have said earlier, in funds; and I repeat once again: both factors are deceptive and false.

It is true that death is a fact, but no one fights against death. Possibly, if there is an attempt, the efforts come down to sorceries, to unsubstantiated traditions, to a secret that might come from out of the blue, namely we are witnessing a utopic phenomenon, an illusion which some people want to change into truth. The illusion will never be Truth.

As to the human beings in involution, a lot can be said about them, except that they have thinking, because someone on the downward path of involution can’t possibly have thinking.

I want to help these wretched, as well, if they still can’t obtain eternal life for certain, at least to extend their life span.
I do this for no other purpose, but because I want, if they extend their life by 150-200 years, at least in this 300-year period, them to make an effort to believe in both development and eternalness.

It is very easy for these wretched to extend their life. Except that their methods are wrong. Every institute of this planet is now studying potato growth, cattle development so as to obtain more milk, what music should hen listen to, so as to lay eggs, but no one studies – why does the human being die?

As a clue, they should have studied why some human beings get sick and die young, at an average age or at an advanced age.
Let’s say, for an advanced age, they have an explanation, because allegedly the human being comes of an age and must die.
But what about the other two categories – very young or middle-aged?

Wouldn’t it have been better to conduct advanced and sophisticated studies and not to strive to discover what kind of music you should play for the hen to lay more eggs? Wasn’t the human being more important than hen?

Let me explain to you, in order to help you to extend your life span.
The human psyche accepts the unknown things and tries to fathom them.
But it hurries, because it knows it may die. It misses one thing. And what exactly: the human being is born on a planet. Once born, he is surrounded by nature, birds, flowers and many others. In early age, he learns: this is a flower, this is a leaf, grass, a star, celestial bodies and so forth.

Involuntarily, the human being is linked to everything around him.

At the middle age, the human being knows the divine love, the human love. Of course, the divine and human age are not as they really are. But, more concretely said, they know the sexual intercourse. Knowing the sexual intercourse, any middle-aged being feels as if he had wings, because he feels protected.

This human being, even during his mating time, looks at flowers, receives bunches, offers bunches, looks at nature, comes out in nature, knows different parts of the world, goes on holidays, feels fulfilled.

The third age no longer trusts anyone and anything, because their friends, acquaintance slowly, slowly die, they remain alone and no longer look at the sun, at anything around. They only mind lest anything happen to them and they die, either on the road or in any other situation. This means that fear dominates, pervades and overwhelms them altogether.
They find no more hope in anything. They buy plastic flowers, paintings and suchlike.

For the time being, we close as regards the third age, and transfer our attention to the sanatoriums of mental illnesses.

The mentally ill, in their turn, split into 3 categories: young, middle-aged and old people.
All of them, namely those who are not violent, walk around the lake in the yard of the sanatorium of mental illnesses, they play with the birds, tear flowers, but, if you look at them as a whole, their age seems homogenized, you can no longer distinguish the young ones from the elderly.

Having also covered the mentally ill, we close and turn to all categories, including the mentally impaired.

All, absolutely all of them, all categories, upon getting a glimpse of the blade of grass, the flowers, the bird, the tree, the water, the solar shine, the stars, have made an involuntary exchange of energy and received life.

The man is created to exchange energy with everything around him, he just has to notice this.

If the children and the youth have noticed one thing or another, because they have the psychological reason to take notice of flowers, sun and everything around them, the elderly, dominated by fear, have interrupted the connection with nature. And thus, they have condemned themselves, and death intervenes very soon.

The one who doesn’t exchange energy is condemned to death. He is like a flower which is removed from its environment and put into a pot, to wit it withers and dies.

The solution would be, after having studied the mentally disordered, as well, for you to stay in contact with everything around you.

Study thoroughly and you’ll notice that, if you make a proper exchange, if you only make an involuntary exchange, you will live much, much longer. Your cells will regenerate.

Of course, regressing in age won’t be so sudden, because your capacity of reception should be restored first.

Think about the mentally ill. They don’t have discernment; but, subjected to colours, bird chirping, difference in light intensity, they make an involuntary exchange of energy, and live longer than those who have discernment.

When studying my material, I would like to ask you to think that what I have shown you is a correct basis.
A thorough program is required to experiment this. Try to experiment, and you’ll definitely have greater success than with the music to play for the hens to lay more eggs.

You should try, because I will not tell you more. I don’t deal with transitional things, but maybe you’ll try, by living longer, to prove to yourselves that I don’t deal with transitional things.

Under the circumstances a scientist understood what I have transmitted, he would definitely make efforts to create institutions that obliterate death and create the connection human being – environment.

Unless this occurs, I would be very sorry. But then, plan B, the backup plan remains.

This material will be read by a great many human beings who will put it into practice on their own, which is really possible.

You can dispel fear by thinking. Use this capacity!

By Master Mavrino
January 8, 2019

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