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Building Protection Is Not About Medication – 100 Health Conditions

If you want to be protected against a cataclysm or to avoid having a major problem; to treat yourself of an affection, to get rid of a handicap, prevention and culture in this respect should be started from an early age. Nowadays, as regards prevention and culture in this respect, people are very careless whereas this sector is non-existent. The human being does not even know what affection is and – when something occurs – they quickly treat it by medication.

Nowadays, there are not people who will maintain the altar of faith in matters of health eternally burning, so there will not be any problems. There is the nature which gives you the chance of being protected naturally your entire life, without any affection touching you. A happy man attains happiness without showing that by a special sign. He is simply happy with being healthy. Where there is health, any problem, however difficult, will be solved.

There are human beings civilized enough to protect themselves against a threat before it even appears. The cataclysm is born out of a minor problem, whereas a medical affection starts with a tiny sign. People do not think that a minor good deed will give birth to major welfare, therefore they ignore minor good deeds. People do not think that a minor threat will have a major influence, therefore they do not as much as protect themselves. Consequently, that minor threat grows into a cataclysm. Where we do not accumulate minor good deeds, we will not be gifted the supreme power of good. Where we do not abstain from minor bad deeds, we will come to a major crime.

To help us realize what minor affection is, we will list minor affections, as follows:
1. Where there is not a constant line – namely you are filled with joy, and the next moment you grow angry – this is affection.
2. Where you do not keep your promise, but you try to reach the finish line, this is affection.
3. Where you love the power of feelings, but ignore their force, this is affection.
4. Where you love from your entire heart, without involving your thinking, this is affection.
5. Where – out of envy – you wish someone’s death, this is affection.
6. Where you fail to see that – out of cowardice or greed – you make mistakes, this is affection.
7. Where you scold people while praising yourself up to the sky, this is affection.
8. Where you constantly change, regarding yourself with carelessness, this is affection.
9. Where you are continuously talking and love to hear yourself, this is affection.
10. Where it makes you happy when someone else makes a mistake, this is affection.
11. Where you show off your knowledge, defying the rest, this is affection.
12. Where you avail yourself of your power to commit crimes, this is affection.
13. Where you think that people make mistakes whereas you do not, this is affection.
14. Where you offend, hurting the weak and the helpless, this is affection.
15. Where you defeat people using your physical strength, this is affection.
16. Where you are lazy, when you feel yourself strong and dominant, this is affection.
17. Where you talk trying to dominate your fellow men, this is affection.
18. Where you borrow and forget to return it, this is affection.
19. Where you deem people unworthy while thinking of your own worthiness, this is affection.
20. Where you talk to people directly, being aware that you are destroying them, this is affection.
21. Where you do not love people, but only yourself, this is affection.
22. Where you take pride in yourself, both when you are in a good mood and when you are angry, this is affection.
23. Where you deem your fellow men backward but yourself clever, this is affection.
24. Where you make a good deed, but you boast with it, this is affection.
25. Where you look for weak spots in famous people, this is affection.
26. Where you complain about having to work, this is affection.
27. Where you accept illusions for reality, this is affection.
28. Where it makes you happy when your fellow men make mistakes, this is affection.
29. Where you take pride in your wealth, this is affection.
30. Where you are an aristocrat, but defy people, this is affection.
31. Where you are poor, but envy the rich one, this is affection.
32. Where you belong to the lower class, but speak evil of the upper one, this is affection.
33. Where you put your fellow men in an awkward position, trying to have your own gain, this is affection.
34. Where you take pride in your morality, this is affection.
35. Where you gain by making someone poor, this is affection.
36. Where you prejudice correctness by your deeds, this is affection.
37. Where you love yourself, failing to see the right direction, this is affection.
38. Where you keep your integrity, sacrificing the rest, this is affection.
39. Where you are jealous, this is affection.
40. Where you are choleric, engaging in contradictions with the rest, this is affection.
41. Where you hate and do not love, this is affection.
42. Where you are continuously arguing about what is truth and what is lie, this is affection.
43. Where you do not have any responsibility and blame others instead, this is affection.
44. Where you fail to see the essence, but merely the appearance, this is affection.
45. Where you yourself do not have quality, but weigh the rest of the people’s dignity and honour, this is affection.
46. Where you believe in yourself, while deeming the rest liars, this is affection.
47. Where you help people, expecting appreciation in exchange, this is affection.
48. Where you judge a man for not helping you, this is affection.
49. Where you break up with somebody, while regretting it, this is affection.
50. Where you like to be respected when you are being unfair, this is affection.
51. Where you offend everything around you, this is affection.
52. Where by using magic rituals, you affect somebody, this is affection.
53. Where you offend people of talent, this is affection.
54. Where you hate people for being cleverer than you, this is affection.
55. Where you use any kind of drug, this is affection.
56. Where you do not have concord between your body and your mind, this is affection.
57. Where you remember past offences, this is affection.
58. Where you show your qualities, this is affection.
59. Where you do not accept to be criticized, this is affection.
60. Where you use other forces than your own thinking in order to gain something, this is affection.
61. Where you engage in a contradiction with a man who does not understand, this is affection.
62. Where you act in a difficult situation without thinking thoroughly, this is affection.
63. Where you instigate to crime, this is affection.
64. Where you love while considering you are always right, this is affection.
65. Where you believe very much and doubt very much, this is affection.
66. Where you laugh at lunatics and sick people, as well as at the handicapped, this is affection.
67. Where you are lazy and have no respect for the people around you, this is affection.
68. Insults, slander and blasphemy, this is affection.
69. Where you are careless towards children and elderly people, this is affection.
70. Where you have a negative behaviour and thinking, this is affection.
71. Where you are changeable, this is affection.
72. Where you are always craving for parties and entertainment, this is affection.
73. Where you love to label people, this is affection.
74. Where you are duplicitous, this is affection.
75. Where you expect gain from various fraud, this is affection.
76. Where you lie and forget about your promises, this is affection.
77. Where you are a drunkard or a brawler, this is affection.
78. Where you hate rain and wind, this is affection.
79. Where you wish to kill for having been offended, this is affection.
80. Where you urge to abortion, this is affection.
81. Where you meddle in other people’s business, this is affection.
82. Where you watch and listen without being noticed, this is affection.
83. Where you have borrowed, and always hide from your borrower, this is affection.
84. Where you do not listen to other opinion than yours, this is affection.
85. Where you like to refuse short, without explanation, this is affection.
86. Where you are obsessed with a woman, this is affection.
87. Where you made a mistake once and you let another make the same mistake, this is affection.
88. Where you ruin birds’ nests and break their eggs, this is affection.
89. Where you make abortions even if the thing is not necessary, this is affection.
90. Where you cause catastrophes by fire and by water, this is affection.
91. Where you laugh at blind, deaf and dumb people, this is affection.
92. Where you force someone to marry, this is affection.
93. Where you create provokers and instigators, this is affection.
94. Where you teach people to do evil, this is affection.
95. Where you abandon someone when he has entered a trouble, this is affection.
96. Where you wish somebody’s unhappiness, and you yourself cause it, this is affection.
97. Where you gift something and you wish to take it back, this is affection.
98. Where by force you take your fellow men’s goods, this is affection.
99. Where you act with devious thinking, this is affection.
100. Where you do not have your own opinion, this is affection.

Where you have got rid of all the 100 above-mentioned affections, you cannot expect anything undesirable; all the obstacles, hindrances and affections will go away by themselves. In this case, you will receive help every time and your entire family can rely on the Divinity’s help.

By Master Mavrino
January 11, 2019
First Published 2005

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