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Terra – The Island Of Redemption

The Universe is a fascination of perfect order which functions impeccably.

This functioning depends and builds on an order which doesn’t allow the confusion which results in its turning into something different from the purpose of Creation. The purpose of Creation is for the eternalness to be made the most of,to be used at the optimum level by permanent development. Men don’t make mistakes. Men research and develop.

Terra is one of the small planets which had potential to develop, receiving as hosts, species, people and everything needed.

This small planet received people who had undergone a small universal incident.This small incident meaning: one micron of environmental protection was affected. Lest the people be affected, until the reconstruction of the planet where the incident occurred, the men were hosted by Terra. Terra was meant to be a temporary home and then, before too long, the men were to return to their planet.

On their planet, they bore the consequences of their mistake, to wit they forcedly destroyed the dead cells in daytime, at dawn, which affected their planet.

On this planet, the people began to adapt for the period they would be here. In this adaptation, cerebral restoration was also required, as it had been affected to a minimal percentage, after the environmental-damage incident.

With the passage of time, since they were spread across different regions of Terra’s, but having knowledge of each other, as to where they were, and since they were coordinated rom a single place, the rules of the Universe were infringed on.

In this way, the human being, namely the man, instead of undergoing a process of restoration, began a process of downfall. As this process was noticed, on this planet, any involution was isolated in the bud in the intermediate dimension which we may call simulator. We may call it like this, because here a great many occurred, but mostly in involution.

On this planet, history says, based on many discoveries, linked together, that there were a great many civilizations: Egyptian, Persian and many others, which you definitely know.

This planet did not have, in those who had ended up here, a true leader, a genuine ruler, with the adequate development. That was notherfactor of downfall.

The historians, archaeologists or others, based on discoveries, according to some logic, also determined the order in which those civilizations succeeded each other and roughly the time in which they existed.

You should establish whether anyone was apt or is apt to lay down a particular order, according to the discoveries of the time, under the circumstances where on Terra there has been no thinking, no logic of thinking.

We return now to what I have mentioned above.The people were not in a single place, but in different places. Each of them chose a leader and ruler, who chose his leadershipand ruled the part of people he had within his command.

Even if there still were traces of mmortality and death was not yet known, the involution, by the fact that the bloodlines were confused and the Universe’s order was not at all observed, at any given moment,brought about a single “gain”: the depletion of one’s own energy, which, in today’s terms, means death. That’s how people knew death, by involution.

As for all the civilizations which are said to have existed one after another, this does not tally with the truth. All the civilizations existed at the same time in different places. Each of them developed as thought it best and found fit and, lest their development be lost, they made drawings with different instruments which exist in the Universe, on cliffs, in very deep caves, so that they could get to the next generations, with a single purpose: for the next generations to continue correctly and to fix the mistakes they made, so that they can fall within the Universe’s norms and redo the process of everlastingness.

The Simulator is a space where, since it is closed and doesn’t exchange energy with other planets or with the Universe, the resultant is only death.

There were great many men who did not agree with a lot of violations of the rules; but a mass of people who no longer used their thinking, but only reason and the instincts to live could hardly be kept under control. To live until something might happen so they can be evaluated and be allowed to re-enter the circuit of Creation, namely in the Universe.

The resultant of this closed circuit are also the various meteorological anomalies and getting waters out of control and many others, which bring about massive destructions.

The Universe did not stay idly by in this situation, because they were studying every step of involution, and actually they have been studying it by now.

As I have mentioned a little earlier, those men thought about and forecast what might happen and what kind of disasters would befall a polluted planet.

They could not change absolutely anything because, as I have said above, thinking had been changed into primary instincts.

Now, let us give reality some thought. The Man, by conception, has unlimited thinking, unlimited development, he has eternalness and all the advantages of development.

Hence, on this basis, we are considering the mutant beings, because the mutation is a fact. Look around you how many anomalies transpire in behaviour, reactions and attitude.

There was a critical moment when the planet, from one continent surrounded by waters, changed into 5 overt continents and 3 underwater. All these continents have some data, hich data, upon logical consideration, would reveal where the mistake was made and what can be recovered.

At the moment, the human brain of those having undergone mutations should normally be classified as follows: genius, very high, high, average, poor, absent cerebral capacity.

That’s how it should be on this planet which underwent the aftermath of involution.

Except that’s not the way it is. On this planet, even if you don’t see this, which doesn’t mean that it does not apply, there are immortals and mortals. The immortals, nobody sees them, but they dictate everything that needs to be done, until they and their kin who are ntact will become immortals, or part of their kin who lost their life will be brought back to life.

This type of thinking cannot be accepted by the Universe or by the Creator.

But the imprint of death is very obvious on this planet. Human beings die like flies. Like any insect.

This resultant ensues from the fact that those immortals don’t care about the mutant species, ecause they consider themselves righteous and those who went off by something, no matter by what, as being actually subject to death. They have also created special programs. They meddled and created a diabolical order. The masses of mutant beings were brought to the level of species.

I’d like to ask you to set your wits to work. The brain is the organ which, if maintained at an adequate level, cannot die. If the brain doesn’t die, it maintains its body. This is Eternalness.

Except that the immortals from the shadow forsook the species which had already become, in certain proportion, even if small, a population of mutants, and whose thinking had been affected, to wit they no longer had thinking.

I’d like you to give it some thought: those who die have no thinking. There is an utter absence of thinking. Of course there are on this planet, in this simulator, geniuses, very smart, smart, poorly developed and underdeveloped. But, in actual fact, that genius is enjoined a norm on, a norm which changes him, by some rules, into a nobody.

These geniuses are exactly like a dead soldier who receives post-mortem an additional degree or medal. What good is it?

Study thoroughly what I have told you now: the geniuses are at a development level–poorly developed to very poorly developed, whereas the others don’t even think.

Look in history for rules: of common sense, conduct, aging, manifestation, attire, aging, funeral, death or rot, only rules.

I’d like you to do this exercise–go into the past–the brain was not allowed to develop. The brain was restricted, so as not to develop, instead of pursuing development.

Rules are inventions of this species. Rules are not principles of the Universe, I hope you understand what I am telling you.

All human beings were guided so as not to develop; not guided so as to develop. The primary rules which had been laid down since the very beginning have only been adapted to the newer times and to the newer generations’ requirements. The human being does not develop by his own research, but by the others’ prescriptions.

Just think about the human being’s condition, by his manifestations of by his behaviour. The human being is cerebrally expansive or shy, withdrawn, coy and many of this kind. Somebody must have taught you to be like this.

In evolution, there are men who are developed by their deeds, by their permanent researches.

Those men who are in the know can’t be stopped from talking even with scotch tape on their mouth.

There is no such thing as shy being or genius.

On this planet, now, there is only a low level of development and idiots who don’t know anything.

See where the lack of information and your lack of searches brought you?

You have even coined terms to justify your stupidity. There is no such thing as shy, it is nowhere to be found.

The brain receives data, it researches and expounds.

The terrestrial human being’s malformation lies in this, that he observes the rules laid by others, who are considered geniuses. Even those geniuses of their time were very well filtered. The one who said the truth is described in history as introverted genius.But the geniuses were only elected by those enforcing an order, and if it fell in with the immortals’ order and was not very permissive, but instead restricted the freedom to develop, then those geniuses were recognized as geniuses.

Alternatively, apart from this mass of unhappy beings who can’t find themselves, because they have no island where to go, there are tribes who are very well guarded, because they are studied by the immortals.

In these tribes, anything goes. Forasmuch as these immortals on Terra, in this simulator, are studying the behavior and response to every change.

One thing is guaranteed in these tribes, namely a consistently superior age to the average death age in the simulator, for the overall population. Those tribes die somewhere between 500 and 1200 years of age.

The human being, if he wants to attain a truth, should use his brain. What no one could tamper with and no one can bear on, except for the Creator, is the brain as physical presence.

Nobody apart from the Creator can lay a hand on the brain.

In the human being’s brain now there are crystalline cells. These crystalline cells can be accessed and change any person’s cerebral content.

This is the Creator’s part, which has remained as a gift for the human beings, no matter how malformed they are.

At first, the human beings had a more or less normal order. Each and every human being could conduct research, ntil the energy specific to every human being ran out. Thereupon, death took up residence. Those who were born could not develop separately, because the rules had already been enforced for everyone. In conclusion, the human beings’ brain now does not develop, but it executes, it only abides by rules.

Every human being is able to regenerate. Only he should have as an example everything around him in terms of nature, species, stars, celestial bodies. Even if nature is very polluted. The possibility to regenerate is offered to everyone. The possibility to regenerate is not offered to those who trespassed against the principles of Creation.

What the principles of Creation mean, I explained to you many times and now I don’t want to mention them, because it is good to read over my materials.

You can encounter on every occasion persons who seek to find something and to walk on a right path offering them every moment the surprise to discover something new.

The same, in a group, you can detect persons who are apathic, ome who are shy, some who don’t speak, but only watch.

I assure you that only those persons who constantly seek to discover something in the next instant are worth. The others don’t have what to make progress with, because their brain was blocked, since they violated the rules of Creation. This way, before being selected, they self-excluded by their own will.

On this planet, in this simulator, there still is a fairly good potential. There still are men who see eternalness, there still are beings who long for evolution and development.

On this planet, being one-of-a-kind through the simulator in a certain dimension, there is a onotony, namely lack of thinking; but there also is a part, even if very poorly developed, of beings who permanently seek new horizons.

There are beings who condemn themselves the moment they declare they have matured, abiding by some strict rules, with no initiative; but there are also beings who are not content with an end tantamount to death. The latter, by seeking and researching, discover that Life can’t possibly have an end.

Life is Life. Death is decay, is quite another.

Those persons who will find and prove to themselves that Life is incompatible with death and has absolutely nothing to do with it, will definitely discover one day the island they need.

Those persons, upon making to the island, will discover their Creator.

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