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The Man In The Universe

The Man in the Universe is born free, he lives free and he creates free. He is not threatened by sickness, senescence or death. He is not threatened, because he develops permanently and abides by the cause he was created for, namely to develop permanently. Only under these circumstances does he have complete freedom.

The Man develops by permanent knowledge and exploitation. The more he develops, the greater is his power. The power consists in knowing correctly, in developing, in going ever further; and all this due to the fact that, by his development, the borders which he formerly faced now collapse and vanish, and he knows increasingly more.

A man’s purpose is to develop, to procreate, to evolve and to give. The man in the Universe does not expect to receive, because he was endowed and gifted the moment he was born, he received eternalness, he just has to make efforts and study.

In the Universe, there is no payment system. There is no system of the ones known on this planet. Happiness, love, self-offering and offering, the creation of qualities and the blooming of feelings are destined for those who develop, namely the men in the Universe.

On Terra, in this simulator, there are only illusions and disillusions.
There are some feelings, yet at a primary level. These feelings only arise in terms of attraction and repulsion. Think hard on what I’m telling you: no feeling is developed, nor is any quality, because everything is primary. Only attraction and repulsion, and only pseudo-qualities and pseudo-feelings.
All this is the resultant of the fact that erewhile, prior to turning into a mutation, this human being was once a man, this human being did not make mistakes at one time, this human being once tried to develop; but he did not succeed, because he destroyed the sources of power around him.
On this planet, there is the smallest cell, which is called family. The family is the might of society. In this lies the illusion. There is no individual development here; given that only a strong individuality, a mature individuality, of minimally 800 years of age, can create a family. In the meantime, those in the know would know what they have to do.

Here, under the pressure of time, everything is used as a disposable – temporary attraction and immediately repulsion, on the grounds that you didn’t study well the partner you were attracted to.

On the other hand, that partner whom you are attracted to, and that law so-called family, how come they form this family, if you know that death will part you? Does it mean that you, as a human being, love death?

When you choose and get married, you do so for the rest of your existence, which should normally be unlimited. Wouldn’t it be better to amend the agreement, and only pledge allegiance for single use or for prolonged use?
These feelings you claim to have, not that you really have them, do you give them to someone you don’t know?

If you want to have a partner, isn’t it better, first and foremost, for you to develop, so as to obtain eternalness, by developing your crystalline cells and transforming your brain into crystallin, so that, afterwards, you can know, you can choose, and so that eternalness, by the Creator, can be the witness of your happiness?

Since you form this family which you want durable, but which fails, what is the future of such a union between persons?

Let’s not forget that family is society’s resultant. Society is in a free fall, is falling apart. Everyone is against everyone. If there is a common target, several come together, like a pack of wild animals attacking their goal, their prey, whether they attack other people or anything else.

Since it is society’s resultant, this family gets easily bored and does not hold fast, because the beings who created a family don’t even realize they are under time’s pressure. Times compels them to consume, to throw away and to conquer another objective of pleasure.

But here it does not even come to pleasure, because the feeling of pleasure is the resultant of a charming quality, namely the quality of being happy. And here, as happiness is inexistent, only an illusion, all are at a primary level.

Every partner, according to his own interests and satisfactions, technically has a family in a house, but he also has many others in society. In this case, what family and purity are we talking about? Until there is involution, there can’t possibly be any family. It is a rule which society has built its social environment on, which it called correct, and which the human beings observe like parrots, without giving it a thought.

Please think about it – how many families don’t have conflicts? A conflict is when you harm your partner even by thinking. By saying to yourself that your partner is not quite as beautiful as you saw him, that he doesn’t have the potential you expected, that he doesn’t have what you wanted. Only by thinking like this, a conflict arises in and for you, as a person. Your having thought at least once in this or a similar way about your partner, or, in the same vein, your thinking the same way about those around you who are not part of your family, that’s exactly what it means, huge conflicts, an abyss.

Now, considering the hardships in the society’s smallest cell, we can come to a conclusion as to how society is, whether it is fair or not, whether it can provide satisfaction or not, whether it allows you to develop or not.

The satisfaction of a painting lies in the image on the canvas, in what the painter saw in his painting. There are renowned painters and only their paintings are of consequence. Even if you don’t understand anything of it, what matters is that the others say it is trendy and you nod and verbally confirm that the painting is exceptional.

You should find yourselves in that painting. To be entitled to exclaim how beautiful it is. Isn’t it easier to look at everything around you, to notice that everything is perfectly arranged, but also to ascertain that it is very polluted?

Although it is very polluted, you can find the spark of Truth even amid pollution. If you find that spark, each of you will create an exquisite, nonpareil painting. And by this nonpareil paining, you will definitely be noticed by the Creator.

It is very true that it will not be trendy and will not be appreciated by the masses of society. But what could the masses of society appreciate?
It would be better, when you make an effort, to be seen by the Creator, Who will offer you the Way towards eternalness, than to be a dead painter, whose paintings are highly expensive! So what if they are expensive? What good are those paintings, with somebody else’s vision, to your own development? You will definitely not be trendy, because you won’t follow, like sheep, society. But you will be true, because you will research, discover and explore the Truth.

The Truth does not suit anyone on this planet. On this planet, the more falsity you act out, the better you are seen.

This society has another problem, along with many others, namely that thinking is on the sideline. Instincts come first. Instincts prevail, not reality.

Everyone expects death, which doesn’t exist factually, but they expect it, and it comes accordingly. What you expect is what comes.
If you don’t expect it, you should get involved, and then it is no longer death that comes, it is Everlastingness that comes. Every human being on this planet has 15 years of dance. Prior to these 15 years, he doesn’t know how to dance, and after those 15 years, he proves to himself he didn’t dance well, but he thought he could.
During the 15 years while the being exists on this planet, he self-suggests by the motto: “it can’t happen to me”. In actual fact, the reality is that, when you allege “it can’t befall me”, it is precisely then that death happens, that you are prepared for death.
Those 15 years are the ones when you can achieve a great many. Except that you content yourself with walking the trail of the flock. Thinking is personal, it has nothing to do with the flock. If you had used your brain, you wouldn’t have regretted after 15 years of existence, and you wouldn’t be scared that death comes, but you would have developed.

The brain is an unknown, because it is in the dark. The brain maintains the whole body, but the whole body works as well for the brain. Your realizing this is a first step to evolution, something will definitely stir.

You must never say that something doesn’t exist, because you are not acquainted with it.
Look at the sun, at the stars, and dare say that eternalness does not exist.

I know that you can’t travel through time or in time, because you are not developed, but you have certainly read books, poems, you must have admired paintings where the sun, the stars and many others are captured there. This means that your predecessors looked the same way at the sun, the stars and everything around them. The ones in the future will equally have the stars and the sun. This is the clear proof that eternalness exists, and it is only you that dies.

Bear very well in mind what I keep asserting: Life is a gift, death is a choice. Unless you take a correct step, you choose death. You create your destiny, by your thinking. No one creates your destiny.

Some say that the Creator created every man’s destiny. Wrong, totally wrong. The Creator created you and everything around you, but it is you that makes your destiny by your own thinking

If the Creator had created your destiny, it wouldn’t be written in some books “man in the image and after the likeness of the Creator”, but it would be written “the robot in the image and after the likeness of the Creator”.

Had the Creator wanted robots, He would have created a micro-town full of robots, He wouldn’t have created the Universe. He wouldn’t have created the blade of grass. And you, by admiring the blade of grass, the flower, the stars and the sun, prove exactly what I’m saying – that you are not a robot.

The robots would appreciate and rather have, not the ones I have enumerated, but a new circuit or some fancy oil.

You have a bread and a knife. If you slice inadequately, you will gain weight, but you will also eat excess bread and will not have any for later. If you slice adequately, you will be adequate.

The more you think, the more you will prove to yourself that your brain is present. The more you look at this present, at this actuality in real terms, the more you will replace the cerebral cells with the crystalline substance, which proves you evolve.

Once the brain is crystalline, eternalness is yours. Eternalness is not gifted.
Eternalness is present, real. Eternalness is just for you.
The Creator is eternal. He had no need to create Eternalness for Himself. If the Creator created you to exist forever, this means He only expects one thing from you: to think, not to send your thinking on vacation to Bora-Bora.

Try not give leisure time to your brain; it will reward you with the fascination it creates for you.

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