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Nothingness has many forms.
We will learn, over time, many of the forms of nothingness.

I will give you an example with some of the forms of nothingness.
Two children, of 12, respectively 10 years old, go through the woods to pick mushrooms.
Walking, once with the first rays of sun, the younger says to the elder:
– Stay calm, there is nothing in the forest, we’ve been here countless times!
– Sure there is nothing, but do you somehow seem to be afraid?

From this discussion, two forms of nothingness appear: the former is of the imagination, whereas the latter is of the suggestion.

Getting into woods, after half an hour, the younger suddenly stops picking mushrooms and says to the elder:
-Is there something?
The elder stops in his turn, looks around and says:
-There’s nothing, calm down.

If you could look where the children looked, there are plenty of trees and also a very large glade, yet without any presence.
Being without presence, it is about active nothingness.
Active nothingness supposes some activity can take place.
When you look into the distance, but you can’t see anything, it is about active nothingness.

Let’s continue with our example.

The 2 children keep working for a while, and the younger says:
– I thought I heard someone.
Both of them stop and look again into the distance, but there is no presence, as far as they could see.
The elder says: 
– Neither the leaves, nor the bushes are moving. There is no one, and there is total silence, nothing can be heard, except for the birdies. No steps can be heard moving.

This is the passive nothingness, out of which you expect something to come, you don’t know from where, but nor can you see where it might come from.

Both nothingnesses have a foundation in real nothingness.
Nothingness which can create, if the need arises, and which can show, if the need arises and if the Creator decides.

In conclusion, we will learn many forms of nothingness.

If we start from NOTHING, we will get to SOMETHING and we will realise that all we can see should be appreciated accordingly.

I don’t assign any task for no solid reason.
I don’t waste my forces, whether mine, or yours, in vain.

I urge you to forget the past, because there is nothing in it, only a few false energy imprints, whereas in the future there are provisional energy imprints, which you will discover, but you don’t know yet. Consequently, there is still nothing.

In this train of thought, I make you read legends, customs, myths, from various books.
I know this is a contradiction and you don’t understand how come I urge you to forget everything, but still I make you read precisely legends and myths.

You should know that you are not the first to be puzzled and not to understand some things.
I might have given you this task without explaining it, because I reckon you won’t understand.

I’d like to explain this instance to you, so you can bring yourselves the proof of how much of what I am doing you don’t understand; and that you will never understand my methods, but you will certainly feel and realise the benefits of my methods.

Do you remember I have reinvigorated your body, liberated all the tissues which were caught, the vertebrae, and I have oxygenated your brain with very simples moves?
You remember, don’t you? As I don’t want to repeat from the Programme.
Well, if you remember, that’s good.

Now, I also want to explain why I have taken this measure with the legends, myths that you must read.

I mounted you on a very strong stallion. A thoroughbred stallion. But after a long series of exercises, so your brain can reach a 20-percent thinking.
I gave each of you a stallion, I mounted you on him. I gave you no harness, nothing; you only clung on to the stallion’s mane. In fact, the stallion is Pegasus.
I gave you the stallion, and I didn’t take you off him.
I increased your cerebral-activity rhythm to 70 percent, while you were on horseback.
You got yourselves 2 humps only to stay on horseback and, when you were getting off him, in the evening, to go to sleep, you were walking bow-legged.

This means I calculated: what activity you carry out, how much energy you waste with everything around you and under what dire circumstances you work, in this utter pollution, among the dead.

As you are among the dead, you also come with their habits. What you used to like very much are the stories, legends, myths; but, as far as you are concerned, raising your standard of thinking and also being very, very strained by me, it is I who put in your hand the books with legends and myths.

What would give you wings when you were younger, as you can now prove to yourselves, when you are reading, is but creative nothing.

Creative nothing is the participation of anyone who saw something, interpreted it through his very low prism of thinking and added what he thought was best.

An instance is Red Riding Hood neighbouring a toothless crone who didn’t allow her to pick of her plums; and hence Red Riding Hood, first cousin with Snow White, who had 7 children of 7 foresters, brought the last forester, who released a wolf to kill the animals in the crone’s household.
On the other hand, both of them, Red Riding Hood and Snow White, lived in a kingdom which was about 20 km away from the neighbouring village.
Well, they could have never reached 20 km away, not in their lifetime; and there, from a 20 km distance, the cattleman’s son came, after having sold 2 cows to buy new pants and attire.
He came with the ox cart. But Red Riding Hood, Snow White and the others, seeing him dressed like this, told to themselves he must be the Prince.
And that’s how, Red Riding Hood married a prince, but all lived to a ripe old age, as that’s how those householders could create there.
To us, all this has got as if Red Riding Hood had married the prince.

Well, you see, like this, having fun, but you remember that I forced your development with the stallion; the purpose is to make you return and go over the stories which you know, as you took them from the dead, to make you discover the folklore, the eye of greed, and discover that legends and myths mean but folkloristic, creative nothing.

You are poking fun at the lack of culture of those human beings from the past.

On the other hand, you are doing exactly what I want. This means your brain relaxes, it gets from 70 to 30 percent, but in activity

In activity, this means that, relaxed, by activity, you draw out the dead cells and create crystalline cells – that was my purpose – to mount you on the horse, not giving you time even to breathe, and then to leave you for a while in relaxation, so you can start the production of crystalline cells.

Instead of asking yourselves why I am telling you that legends and myths are folklore and that they are only a stair of research for you and, for the rest, they are no good to you – wouldn’t it be better to do what I am telling you, as I was not at all interested in legends and myths, but in your brain?

Your brain had to be relaxed so as to create. 
The brain needs relaxation, in order to see the Truth, but also strain, when necessary.
I know this.
So, on horseback with you!

By Master Mavrino
January 19, 2019

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