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The Perfect Order Of The Huge CONSTRUCTION And The Simulator

Eternalness or death are illusions.

Every Man or human being chooses what he wants. In Eternalness, you are the One who creates Light by thinking, or the one who serves the Darkness by deeds.

Every individual chooses.
The choice is personal, and not under pressure.
Choosing whether to abide or not by the laws of the Universe has been a valid option ever since the Creator made the Light.
The man chooses his way.

The simulator as a presence was not created as a punishment. It was created pursuant to men’s choice. The simulator is not an accident, but a consequence.

In the Universe, there are no punishments for anything; there is either access or lack of access to the next level of development, stagnation of evolution, and decomposition and modification of the spirit. This is the line of the Universe.

No one in the Universe underwent such a treatment. All the anomalies are in the simulator. In this context, the simulator is valuable, because the human being can be studied in various hypostases of the galloping existence.

It is just like piloting a space-shuttle, without knowing how this process is. That’s how the human beings exist. They lead their existence, without knowing this chapter, with their eyes closed.
As to what they happen upon, they attempt to solve every time, in the wrong way.

Of course, the human beings believe that their solution is right.

Why do they come to this conclusion?

It is about comparison, and not about the true line. The beings are glad to have firewood, to have solved the problem better than their neighbours. They help their neighbours in exchange for wood. They use their neighbours as they please, because the latter owe them.

In time, the storm comes and, since it does not come up against any shield of trees to alleviate the impact, it sweeps all the houses, along with their dwellers.

The mistake is obvious, but this does not mean that anyone has learnt from it! Not at all! On the contrary! The mistakes become increasingly deep-seated and serious, with every generation!

The human beings, right after the first mistakes, thought they might be thinking wrong and were terrified as to by what and how they would be punished. The fright would grow with the seriousness of the mistakes.

Their first acquaintance with death occurred.

Upon first meeting death, the human beings sighed with relief. The punishment was not physical, was not decomposition, it was only a death.

It was not the psychological dread of a possible punishment, which they had experienced for tens of thousands of years.

Death, for them, was deliverance. By knowing death, smoothing down, the human beings continued, even further, to make more mistakes.

They no longer allowed for anyone and anything. They did not notice that, from tens of thousands of years, they lived less and less.

The first regressed men died.
The following generations created gods for anything.
The common deities split into various religions. According to every human being’s deeds, good gods and evil gods were created.
Society split into two: good and bad.

This is another existence where you could live in 2 hypostases: good or bad. This – according to how you spent your existence and how you related to the master.

The same way, it was important what you gave to the master. The more the Caesar was pleased, the more you and your home were pleased. In those times, when the deities were the superior invention, the deities would receive.

If you behaved very well to the Caesar and your masters, your house would be dyed in a certain colour. The guards did not enter your home, if you had the superior colour. They entered the houses with other colours, where they took their slaves and many others by force. And those with the superior colours knew for sure they would end up in the garden of the gods, and not in the flame of the death gods.

Psychology went down to autosuggestion, which said that, if you behaved under certain rules, you would live well. If you did not, you would live worse. Indeed, those with the beneficial colours to the Caesar and to the master, had no problem with the army created in those times.

The human beings, the more time passed, since they also invented time, the more they lost, by destroying the planet, not abiding by rules, of their existence.

Life became short and very concentrated.
With the passage of time, deities disappeared, religions appeared.
Every group of peoples, from a common core of deities, passed to religions.

This truth is very easy to check over. If you study all the religions, you will see that they all have the same core: good and bad, evil and hell, beautiful and unbearable, dignity and sin, according to every person’s behaviour.

If they are all common and started from the mithraic religion, only adapted to various groups of peoples, they are all equally untrue.

How can something be true, if it doesn’t tally with the planet? As the planet is built, arranged and in perfect order, so the Truth must be, as well.

No Truth can start from the man, because the man has always learnt and will always learn.
The one who created the planet can show how it can be tended.
No one else is allowed to tell how the order should be, but only to teach which the order is.

The order is in relation to what is around you.

If you look at trees from several angles and from the adequate height, you, as a human being, will know where to plant the next tree, and when to plant it.

If you, without watching from all angles how trees are planted, put them in front of your yard at random, this will destroy any possible order all over the planet.

When a tree is planted contrary to order, everyone will plant in front of his house a tree, in an order of their own. At a given point, they will come to fell all the trees and, when all the trees are cut down, the planet is, for certain, destroyed.  

The one who created this planet thought about geodesic position, angle, defence, supply with fruit and others, depending on the tree, for the species and birds.

The ones who plant a tree, they plant it to have shadow and to have fruit only for themselves, and to cut it down when it withers. They, when planting a tree, don’t even know how to arrange it, because they never knew.

They did not know, as never did they notice the huge CONSTRUCTION which the Creator made and gifted with.

These beings only thought about themselves. If they thought more deeply, they would notice that the tree they are growing in front of their house, in their garden, not being planted as it should be, is the tree of their life. This tree gladdens them, feeds them, keeps their shadow and gives them the coffin, so as to be buried.

When you create your order by yourself, when you choose your religion, when you speak different languages, you can’t think but of violent acts. Of a mass psychosis. This psychosis urges for violence.

You, as an individual, don’t want to kill, as it is a sin. But when your population kills half the neighbouring people, it is heroism.

I am thinking very deeply: how’s that, from the Creator’s point of view, think about it yourselves and see: is that crime or heroism?

On the other hand, think about what happens after the war ends.

Let us assume you are the victorious people. I assure you that you’ll have many clothes to rinse, so as to wash off the blood of your neighbours from the other people! You will rinse your clothes, but what will you do with your skin? What do you cleanse your skin with? Blood does not wash away.

You, as a people, smashed the other people. You are heroes! I will propose that statues be erected for all of you. The problem is – who will see them?

Do you know why?

Your existence has got even shorter. You are resting and have entered, each of you, in your cell within the beehive.

What you did not take into account is: you are destroying your own beehive, since, already accustomed to murders, not having a war, you are killing each other, in your own cell.

It is much worse when a cell is half-destroyed and, since you got accustomed to take goods, without doing any work, from the other peoples, you are now destroying the families whose heads of family you killed.

You brought forth slavery. Just be glad that yours will slavery and its consequences be from this time forth and forevermore!

Just be glad that one dies, the other is born! But please bear in mind that the one who is born is not you, but the one who is now your slave. And your slave, under certain circumstances, can anytime become your master.
Nice perspective, isn’t it?

Psychologically, the human beings are exceptional. Except psychology is Terra’s invention.
In the Universe, there is the correctness of mind. It is the preliminary step to thinking. Thinking, which is impartial.

Thinking in the Universe knows the flower, it does not trample on the flower, does not tear it, does not destroy it.

I have a look at your gardens. Unfortunately, I don’t see any flowers. I see only cars, barbeques and many others. Flowers, not at all!

He who doesn’t have flowers would better create a flower garden.

If you create a flower garden, you will definitely appreciate the shrub, then the tree, the forest and its order.

If you don’t do this, you will be only left with autosuggestion. It is called psychology. Psychology is the study of behavior, after you lost everything.

You should know that you have the power, even upon analysing by the laws of current psychology, to become men.
You only have to show concern for the one on your right. It is the first step.
In conclusion, right face, forward march!

By Master Mavrino
February 27, 2019

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