• The Art Of Knowing

    Everything About The Universe

  • Science And Truth

    Beyond Reality Society

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Question 1 from Asean:

A) “The brain triggers many lines of energy research… This research is sent from that man’s thinking and bumps into NOTHING. The nothingness is the unexploited form, which wasn’t offered for use by the Creator..”
– Is the energy research sent by a sound of search, and is a connecting bridge thereby formed between the man’s creative thinking and the information necessary to the research or the place to be discovered or exploited ?
– In the event the sensor of search returns without access to certain information, could it mean that the man did not participate in Creation, at that time ?
Or that his brain, his thinking is not ready to accept or access some data or energies of a certain space?
Or is he simply not allowed to find certain information, as it is not really useful at the moment he conducts the research?
Sometimes, is it the absence of an active energy channel or the pollution in the atmosphere of that space which doesn’t allow a thorough research, a fact which determines the man to reinitialise the research, after the accumulation of the necessary leverage and after the energy cleaning of that place?
– On the other hand, when a man’s thinking bumps into Nothing, could it mean the information researched and sought to be found, belongs to the Genesis, a place where the only One to have the access key is the Creator?
A’) I) “The man has the spheres with the information that where he got there is NOTHING; except that the developing man doesn’t understand how to interpret that sphere… In the library within his brain, these spheres which were sent and which return with nothing, wait to be dismembered and sent anew.”
– Does dismembering and sending again mean reinitiating the search according to other leverages, changing the way, the angle and the sphere of search? Changing the object and the goal of the search?
Or entering time and erasing the sensor of search from the database of the Universe and reinitialising it, modifying the trajectory or the characteristics of the research?
– Is it possible, at a moment, for the sound of search, not to be uniform and centralised on the essence of the search; and, once reinitialised, for the trajectory to change and reach, in the end, the destination initially intended?
II) “The thinking under development accumulates imprints.”
– Through every research, are new different imprints accumulated by thinking or spirit, from and of the spheres where it navigates?
Will each new accumulated imprint serve as a leverage for a new research, more exact and precise, of the information or of the place pursued as a purpose, aimed at being researched?
– Can these imprints be improved, by every research, this ensuring the reinitialization of the research and the precision of the search?

Answer by Master Mavrino:

In order for me to answer this question, I have to subject you to an exercise.

Stand up and raise your hands laterally, exactly as for a crucifixion. You will definitely not be crucified, because you have chosen a Way which is beautiful and unexploited by you. It is unexploited, because every time you are at point A.
Here, in the simulator, when you raise your hands laterally, your area of exploration is 15 cm from your fingertips – right hand – left hand, front and back.

Now imagine this situation, it is exactly like a coffin.

In this simulator, everyone is like this. Everything around you is the area of exploration and exploitation. You are sending crystalline signals towards all the sides of your body, because you are the centre. Your working area extends to 15 cm. Both the past and the future are there. When you are sending these light beams, the signals instantly reach the past and the future, through energy beams.
The moment you have sent, you have already received the answer, instantly. It is instant, because your area of exploration and exploitation is of 15 cm.
It is very small, because this is the reality. Your breath covers an area of 58 cm. The breath is larger than the past and the future.

Around you, there are a great many parts of Creation. You are now exploring as against yourselves, you should make big galleries, constantly exploring and exploiting them, enlarging them every instant.
This is the future.

The larger the front area, the wiser your present.

You have kept in mind, from my previous materials, that the Creator compels you to develop by simple, concrete actions, and by the illusion that you develop.

The more you know, the more beneficial your area of action is, and your wisdom always increases by development.

Don’t ever ignore little things, because they offer you the springboard for TRUE SCIENCE, which forms correctness by its TRUTH.


The reality is that you gain space by yourself, through your evolution, with active participation.

The flashes sent by thinking are scanning the space. This scanning is upon the action you perform. You are acting now, the past and the future don’t exist. The wider the space, the better for you.

This space means discovering nature, activating it, moving in the correct space and direction, as you have planned.


I have appealed to your staying with the hands laterally, so you can see which your position is.

Any cell of yours or of any part of Creation travels thorough Creation by means of the energy of the geometrical figures which Creation consists of.

Geometrical figures are living matter.
This matter, as it is molecular, constantly changes.

You move when the figure moves. It moves in a constant rhythm and allows you attain a figure or several, as many as necessary, for you to travel through the merger between your energy and everything around you, including the geometrical figures, in the epicentre in which you are.

These moves must be extremely correct.
The correctness comes from your own thinking, or – as it is in the simulator-, by the Thinking with which the Creator created the Creation.

If you have an incorrect thinking, this is noticeable in the simulator. The wind, the storm and many other meteorological phenomena influence your motion.

In the Universe, there are the shields which, being adequately put into operation, and being enriched with living matter, by the cerebral crystalline substance, directly connect themselves to the geometrical figures. This connection occurs a moment before an obstacle appears.

Everything is related to development.

Take a good look at many examples you have in your existence. Everything you have, in terms of development, acts correctly or incorrectly.

When you have acted incorrectly, you are immediately answered incorrectly, in order to be shown the correct part and your incorrect action. When you act incorrectly, you are overwhelmed by a feeling of guilt, sadness, unfulfillment and many others.

When you act correctly, you see the result and rejoice.

I gave you an example.

Apart from me, who can teach you and train you, who can be your teacher, namely your professor, so you can get to me by a correct thinking, attitude and disposition?

You may have forgotten, I can remind you, in this case.
Sara can help you, Dailla can help you, or any child up to 21 years old. If you play with Sara, you will laugh at what she laughs, merging with her spirit. You will play with her, not being afraid of absolutely anything.

A child’s purity can modify your purity, much easier than the effort you make to be correct.


The Man, or the one who takes the first steps to become a Man, modifies the thinking, attitude, education and many others, and polishes them at a medium to higher level. Once the education rises, that man’s radius of action rises in its turn.

The purer the man, the more innocent and clean he is.

A pure man has a non-combat shield only with feelings of joy, happiness and love.
Such a man can’t be touched in anything and by anything.

You can try to hurt a man intentionally, and you’ll see that everything fades away, with a simple smile, with the adequate facial expression, through the purity of the glance.

When you initiate an action, you initiate it through the prism of innocence and purity, or with a view to developing, so as to gain a certain space.

If the purpose of development is to gain something, the development is compromised from the bud. You exclude yourself from the Book of Development.
There is no development aimed at a different purpose than development in itself. And thereby cerebral richness.

Every man tends towards development and cerebral formation in cells of pure energy matter.
Approximately, this is one of the peaks of evolution.

If we take the development of the Universe, even if the Universe in itself is very developed, at a scale of 1 to 1 000, the average development of the Universe by now is of 24%.

Do you realise that, the more the man develops, the more the average of development drops?

The average of development will drop until the Universe’s average of development finds a balance to create foundation.

Something might not clear be to you. I will explain so as to make clear.

A man, developing at 75%, is allowed to make the correct analysis of his course. Under these circumstances, the man, being developed at 75%, understands how many mistakes he committed along the way. Understanding this, being an evolved man, this man knows for certain, from the viewpoint of 75%, that, actually, he developed at 40%.
The man is strong enough to see this truth, to ascertain and to go back again to 40 %.


The beams sent by the man’s thinking are real. Where they reach, they touch reality.

The reality is that the past and the future don’t exist.

No one closes the past and the future, but the Perpetuum, under the Creator’s guidance, when the man covers a distance in his evolution.
After the man has gone through a period, the past closes, and only has the energy presence loaded with data. In these data, for every instant, the information about the entire Creation, as a whole, and not only for that man, is accumulated.

Those instants also encompass the response of the other species towards that man, the celestial bodies, the energy force, and many, many other data, only in a single instant.

If you leave a room, right behind you a wall is formed which you can no longer cross. But at the same time, in front of you, there is a wall which you can explore, enlarge and create an instant enabling you to create a door, which door will change into a wall, upon your passage in another instant.


Once with your energy shield, you take a step. This step allows your energy shield to attain the brightness of the darkness, namely of NOTHINGNESS, and the light to shine, according to your sight; and, after everything is adapted, to change the present situation into a propitious environment for exploration and exploitation.

The Man has unlimited freedom for anything.

The Man, not the rabbit. The Man is the same, but the rabbit in the instant of the past, the instant of the present and the instant of the future is another rabbit, not the same.

The parameter of any type of measurement or presence, materialization or research, but also for any other component in the Universe, is in relation to that Man, and not to men.

The Men is an individuality who thinks. 
Collective thinking is excluded.

The percent for development and appreciation are, for example, 100. They are in relation to yourself.
If the collective memory had existed, as it exists in the simulator, it couldn’t be distributed appropriately, but only evenly.

There is no equality in the Universe, by any means. The blades of grass are different in height, in weight, in colour or many others. So there can be order, everything must necessarily be different.

If there had not been order, everything would have been equal, but there would not be “The Man in the image and after the likeness of the Creator”, but there would have been “the Robot in the image and after the likeness of the Screwdriver”.


The Man in the Universe is developed. He knows the procedures which are necessary and the appropriate responses, so as to act properly as regards the energy beams which he sent and which returned from their task.

The Man knows and acts correctly in terms of their disintegration, transforming them again into cerebral energy, which he uses anew for research.

The man in the making from Terra is a man in the making, in formation.

He doesn’t know how to handle the information that has returned. Being a man in the making, his cerebral matter is already activated. Cerebral matter means that the crystalline cells were already activated, and they produce. A little, but they produce.

Here, the Principles of Thinking by Creation act appropriately. Because the Man hasn’t come to be developed so as to become aware and disintegrate by himself, the Principles do this, with the help of the Perpetuum, so the cerebral bags can be downloaded of information and resent back.

The Man sends towards the Perpetuum the energy imprint that he has sent the beam to research. Afterwards, through the Functioning Principle of the Creation, through the Perpetuum, he makes an exchange of energy information – when the beams have returned, – with what information they have come, or The Perpetuum reacts properly, so it can maintain the cerebral balance.


There is no time in the Universe; that’s why the eternalness exists.

Time was put out, it has only become the measure of the response for the Creator; whereas, for the Creation, time has never existed. Instead, Eternalness has existed, and it exists, because it functions properly.

Time is inexistent both as a measure and as anything else.

Think about the man who travels, who moves; as he is always on the move. He moves along with the rabbit, the fox, the mountainous massif and many, many others.

If there had been time, all would have moved together, and hence there would have been a deadly banality.
You look to the right – eagle, you look to the left – deer, in front of you – rabbit, behind of you – meow, and all the same.

They all move and travel differently, in a direction they established, according to their interests, such as food, to the luxury, such as water, to the most propitious matter for them, such as heat or cold, and all are different for any part of Creation.

Under the conditions you are using time as a measure, you must take all into the same account, but they are all different as species, as Creation, as speed, as thinking, and many other factors.

In this order I have shown, time has nowhere to fit into.

Under these conditions, in the Universe, it is eternalness, purpose, duration, loading, downloading, action, rest, as well as many other factors that operate.

The men in the Universe are developed, because that’s the purpose of their existence.

Those who don’t have the same purpose can only look at the Universe in all its beauty, but never make it to the Universe, because they don’t have access.

Think, what would mean, for someone underdeveloped, to be teleported on a star? He would not know how to act. He might try to dig into the crystalline matter of the star.

Therefore, no one will give anyone access to an area where he doesn’t know how to act.

Terra’s human being is extremely smart, fair, happy, but only in relation to himself. This, “in relation to himself”, excludes him from the relation of the Universe.

Know that Terra’s human being can definitely build a coffin and hide within it. He can hide, as I said, because afterwards, within maximum a few years, he disappears from the box.

The men in the Universe don’t make boxes, because they have proved to themselves that in a box you are researching the space, you will be losing your interest and you can’t move on anywhere else.

The man in the Universe is accustomed to limitless spaces, so he can develop.

He, the man in the Universe, never says he is evolved. Because he knows that this is the truth.

Terra’s human being, regardless how smart he is, stops, at a certain time, because he knows he must die a little. And hop – he jumps in the box!

The Universe needs real men, not magicians.
The magic of the Universe is the Universe where the Man develops.


The search in itself is a procedure with fascicules, and not sounds of search.
Throughout the search, there are unlimited sounds, but for the purpose of research, discovery, evolution, for the purpose of identification, fascination, balance, it is not the sound that discovers, but the beam touching another energy imprint which the brain researches.


In development, what matters consists in the imprints you touch. The brain compares, and if the imprint is not known, it researches that imprint and transforms it into a known.

The first step is touching the imprint; but, afterwards, the smell, sight, humidity, matter and many, many others are detected, so the research can be complex.

The man develops in a complex manner in relation to his development.

The next step proves that, by developing, he ascertains that the previous step should be taken again, because it is not complex.

That’s how the Man’s instant in the Universe occurs who, among others, proves that the previous instant, which was researched in a complex manner, from the viewpoint of NOW, has an unsatisfactory result.

This is evolution.


Any step forward, in research and development, urges you to go back and research again.

Any step into the past urges you to take 2 steps into the future, so as to return and understand.

Answer by Master Mavrino
January 20, 2019

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