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Q&A 0050 – Has The Human Being Chosen Death?

Question 2 from Asean:

“These rules are shown to the man who develops and who lives in eternalness and who did not commit, as you did, the mistake of choosing death.’’
– For certain, any person, if he had several variants, would choose life, so as to accede to eternalness.
Under what circumstances would anyone consciously choose death?
• Probably, only in the event that his conscience or his guides somehow oriented him to such a path, so as to repair or remake something, if a mistake had been made (personally, by his bloodline or by the first men who ended up on Terra etc.) And this would be one of the only ways for him to make amends and prove that he is a Man, apt for the Universe?
– What does it mean to choose life out of 2 or several possible variants or directions?
Normally, a man’s choice, regardless of the situation, is a relative process which depends on several factors: perception, tasks to be fulfilled by that person, mission etc.
• Hypothetically, if a man chooses the apparently simple way, this does not necessarily mean that he has chosen life, because it is possible for the activity not to drive or to stimulate the brain, not to fit into the necessary rhythm corresponding to the Perpetuum, not to bring an input of new information, that might ensure the passage to a higher stage of current development.

Answer by Master Mavrino:

The man doesn’t choose life or death.
For a man, as he is developed, there is no life or death.
For the man, only the eternalness exists.

There is a problem, because the man doesn’t even question or thinks about eternalness.

The man thinks hard, instead, about active development, in every instant.
No matter how intense the development is, the man wants increasingly more intensity, dynamism and speed in his knowledge.
The more he knows, the happier and more joyful he is.
The Man is a mill of knowledge, a mill which is actually supplied with water, so the paddles can move freely.
The Man never hampers anything.
The Man studies death as a sign of involution.
The Man is not shocked, but he doesn’t understand, and that’s why he researches the Simulator, how come a man can have regressed.
The Man comes to the conclusion that, in the Simulator, the involution entailed consequences.

Impurity gives birth to a very scanty harvest. Since it has no means of taking good care of the harvest, as it is impure, with a lot of filth.
The human being chose to lead his life on his own and not to abide by any rule; and the consequence was the confusion of bloodlines, sickness, senescence, death.

The human being doesn’t choose and has never chosen death.
Except that, when you don’t develop, you don’t have the possibility of evolving.

Without evolution, there is no improvement. There is energy depletion and hence your coming to the decomposition of your own body, for another energy to be born. Except that, once the body has decomposed, this energy has no longer where to return. Because the centre of thinking, the brain, no longer functions, it is decomposed.

Involution led to an energy decomposition, but also to the decomposition of matter.

The human being invented satan so as to have whom to blame. But the blame only lies with that being, and not with the satan invention.

No one can ever, by any means, oblige you to do what you don’t want.

He might coerce you to perform an act; but this doesn’t mean that, in the following step, you won’t let yourself coerced to do something else.

The human brain, the most important part of the micro-universe, namely of the Man, permanently engenders. When the brain doesn’t engender, the energy starts decomposing.

There are Principles, which Terra’s human beings know, for you to fall within the Creator’s Way.
Practically, these Principles are not well studied, but they nevertheless exist.

Once with fear, the human being invented satan. And even if satan is but an invention, they would rather stay on satan’s side, only to live.

Under the circumstances where satan is an invention and not a presence, the human beings may wish whatever they want. The invention will be an invention, and not a presence.

In conclusion, Terra’s human being did not choose death. 

Death occurred due to the fact the human being’s energy ran out.
Without thinking, there is no process of crystalline-cell production. The grey cells, in this case, exhaust their functionality and human being remains in the horizontal position, with a little bunch on his chest.

Death, as a presence, does not exist by Creation. Death is just like satan, an invention, a consequence.

The chance to exist is real for every human being. Except that the human being must choose, and not content himself with the consequences.


The human being has an inexistent thinking; instead of thinking, he has instincts. He, the human being exists, by instincts.

The human being, even if he is at a very low level, can make a correct analysis of himself at any time. This analysis must be made objectively.

The human being knows that there is life, death, final sleep and many others. 
The variants of choice are unlimited. The most difficult of all is choosing the TRUTH.

The TRUTH is that ETERNALNESS exists.

This is the toughest choice because you should talk to yourself, see all your mistakes, assess yourself and really see how pathetic you are.

Once this analysis completed, you can choose Life.

If you have chosen Life, you must eliminate yourself, and also build yourself, against a real and fair background.

You must forget about society, because you don’t even exist for society.

Society has leverages which help it to function to a certain extent, in a controlled anarchy. Society doesn’t know that you were born or that you died, or that you were very sick. In this case, you have no reason to relate to something or somebody that doesn’t know you.

I have taught you that you have to observe all laws of society, even if some of them are not fair, because you exist within this society.

Existing in the laws of society, does not also mean accepting them.
This is why you must rebuild yourself.
After you have rebuilt yourself, you will notice how alive you are, and what a correct choice you have made.

The choice is very important. The choice occurs after thinking, not influenced by the environment, but only influenced by your own reason, conscience and merger into the TRUTH.
Every human being can do this. 

It also depends on how much he wants this.

When the choice is made, the choice doesn’t aim at eternalness or lack of eternalness, but at development and non– development.
If you have chosen development, it comes packed with eternalness, as job description.
If you have chosen non-development, death comes along with foot odour.

Smell your feet in every instant and you will see what you have chosen.
If your feet sting, run, folks, as the grim reaper, called death, is coming.
If you stink, you have chosen death.
If you have an aroma, Eternalness has chosen you.
You must show, by your deeds, which your choice is.


After you have correctly chosen, your access to the energy imprints towards the Perpetuum and vice-versa, is automatically ensured.

Answer by Master Mavrino
January 21, 2019

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