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Development is simple. You are complicating it, you are making inadequate choices. [...] There are no reasons for not developing. There is instead the lack of desire for developing. The only one who can get you out of Pandora’s Box is you.

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If we start from NOTHING, we will get to SOMETHING and we will realise that all we can see should be appreciated accordingly. [...] I don’t assign any task for no solid reason. I don’t waste my forces, whether mine, or yours, in vain. [...] Your brain had to be relaxed so as to create. The brain needs relaxation, in order to see the Truth, but also strain, when necessary. I know this. So, on horseback with you!

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Q&A 0047 – The Flower Of Life

The Flower of Life is science by research and development. The more you know it, the more joyful and happier you are. The Flower of Life is the snowdrop which is born out of cold and shows you warmth.

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Q&A 0046 – Cerebral Relaxation. The Lady

The man’s thinking is always active in 43 %. There is no wakefulness. When the man is in total relaxation, namely he sleeps, the brain functions. If it did not function, men wouldn’t breathe. And they would instantly decompose. The organs would work chaotically. The man has a cerebral relaxation higher than 50 % and, in this relaxation, and through it, he recovers his energy forces and balances them, so the brain can beneficially function in the next light. The man’s integrity consists in the process of Thinking. Thinking has neither rest nor wakefulness. The body does. So does the skin.

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You should know that I am not interested in what you have learnt so far and in your higher studies. I am not interested in what you believe to be in the environment and what elements and components are there. You learnt according to the system – life until death -, whereas I eliminated death. It is this perspective that we analyse. [...] I started the Programme 29 years ago. I have shown you what and how to use. Now you use a great many components, because I have shown you that they exist, they are not hidden. [...] I can and do help only those who adore Life, who recognize it and who no longer serve wrong altars. All altars are wrong. Life is not an altar. Life is a gift. A gift towards eternalness, by development, by conception, by Truth. [...] Development doesn’t stop, because everything you have learnt is in constant change. This is called Eternalness.

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Q&A 0044 – Vacuums, Oxygen Spiral Bags, and The Divine Particle

The Man, in the composition of his body, contains everything that Creation holds. The Man is a microuniverse. The Man is perfect. Therefore the Man has only Life. The Man doesn’t have death. Death is an invention of Terra’s. In the Universe, the species, nature and others are in a regime of energy exhaustion and generation of a new one, but by not in a regime of death. Death can only be seen here. [...] The Man functions perfectly, adapting his energy shields to the environment around him. The Man is created to exist for ever. [...] The Man doesn’t know death, underdevelopment, involution and many, many others; and if he doesn’t know them, they don’t exist.

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Life And Development. Big Bang Absurdity

We deal with the human being’s development, with the stoppage of senescence, with the cerebral modification at a crystalline level, with the DNA modification in relation to evolution, with the total exclusion of death from the landscape of Creation.

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His feet are washed so you can show that your hands are wide open to accept the Teaching of the Universe through the Teacher’s soles who is your connection with the Truth!

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