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    Everything About The Universe

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Q&A 0021

There are a great many we can enumerate here, but we can enumerate them only if there are personalities interested in the subject of eternalness. Only these men can understand the truth, accept it and put it into practice. The others are human beings who drag their existence, heading, guided by legends, myths and customs, for the ones passed away. It is only those who don’t have the courage to accept the truth that are for the ones passed away.

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The sky is for flying, the crawlers for the morass. [...] In case you surpassed the level of human being and changed into a MAN, it is easy to show by your own deeds that sadness and lack of success are for transient human beings; whereas eternalness, happiness and development, as well as the joy of existing are for Men.

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Q&A 0020

The human body is a standalone, a small Universe. Everything you find in the Universe, you will also find in the human body. In order for the human body to function optimally, it must work so as not to allow dead cells to unite in twos or several. While breathing in, the dead cells should be taken away by the human body, and while breathing out, the new cells should arrange themselves.

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Q&A 0019

The Universe is beautiful because it exists, but it is also unhappy that there are many human beings who don’t see the happiness of the Universe, because they don’t develop. [...] If you eliminate youth and old age, all that remains for you is eternalness. Avail yourself of it! I am here to show it to you, I’m not imposing it on you. You are here to show me that you have seen it and accepted it, because you know it is not imposed, it is only a choice.

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I’d like to ask those scientists who try to create the Divine Particle, to know some principles, namely that the divine particle cannot be re-created, only the one which had as a host nothing, not oxygen, not atmosphere, nothing.

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Q&A 0018

No one has asked so far the right question about the things around him; as, if he had done so, he would have known he is the Creator’s Creation and would have behaved appropriately. Without the Creator there is nothing. And I have a very simple proof.

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Q&A 0017

Know that there isn’t anything that can’t be obtained. Try to prove that I exists. If you prove that, you will certainly have the proof that I has been discovered as there has been YOU. Try not to destroy what you were gifted with, namely the brain. The brain is happiness, love, progress, joy, light and darkness.

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Q&A 0016

In order to help the brain to develop, there are minimal exercises you must attain. [...] [...] It is good to develop the brain and to master any nerve cell of the body. Only then will body and thinking, soul and spirit be united. Only then will you obtain eternalness. By then, you will have nothing, only an illusion.

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