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Be A Slave To Time No More

By Master Mavrino:  In human existence, there are three thresholds which you need to fight against and conquer: prejudices, traditions and helplessness. Against all and through it all you can...

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Burning In The Flame Of Creed

By Master Mavrino: In existence, you can stand apart from banality if you have something to say. The only treasure you can offer is thinking, everything else is fleeting. In...

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Abiding By Truth

By Master Mavrino: There is a huge crowd, an ocean of beings who talk a lot, but who don’t say anything. The others, just as many, admire them, although they don’t...

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Washing Away The Mud Through Light

By Master Mavrino: By correct thinking, you can control your own storm and the chaos within yourself. In order not to merge with the planetary disorder, you need a confidant...

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By Master Mavrino: Don’t cause anyone greater pain than you can bear yourself.

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Being A Man

Every Man is a freestanding personality with his own thinking and searches. Dignity, honour and Faith are the best counsellors on the Way of development, evolution and wisdom. Strive and you will be happy.

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The Crossroads

By Master Mavrino: A Man, on his way, stops when he is at a crossroads. He thinks, he notices that something didn’t go well along the way and he continues......

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The Heaviest Divine Punishment

The heaviest Divine punishment is to be clever! You are surrounded and you live, breathe and exist among idiots, but the idiots don’t know this! They fancy themselves smart!

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