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Do you want to know how the Creator thinks?

It is simple!

Take a look around you!

Everything you can see is the expression of the Creator’s thinking!

Now look in the mirror! I know! You used to like it, when you were younger! It is only right!

The Creator gifted you and your youth, that’s why you rejoiced in it.

After this stage has passed, you no longer like it. Why is this so?

Wouldn’t it be possible for you to no longer rejoice in it, because it is you who led your own destiny, you didn’t accept the Creator’s help?

Whose fault is this? It is the Creator’s fault, isn’t it? That’s right.

Boast on the times when the Creator was taking great care of you and was modelling your body, and get mad with your no longer being in His care, since that’s what you wanted! 

You thought you were mighty dragons and you didn’t realize that you were but the flame who burnt up your own existence!

By Master Mavrino
January 31, 2019

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