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Q&A 0047 – The Flower Of Life

Question from Asean 4:

“Once with the passage of time, the man sees other women, like his mother, and he thereby amends the same energy imprint, that is, where the woman-related energy imprinted is created, it is completed. The developing man within my microsociety has the same data which he continually completes, but they are not so faithful as they would be if the man were developed; and in the simulator, the man is in the making; however, they don’t lack the energy imprints…The more you know, the more complete the energy imprints are.”
– By energy and genetic imprints, can one recognise (by comparison with the formed matrix) an already known, a previously known personality’s parts of spirit?
– By this procedure, by comparison with the imprints of the Perpetuum, do all the parts of a personality’s spirit arrange in their place ? Can the flower of life be thereby completed?

Answer by Master Mavrino:

I have talked to you about energy imprints.
Imprints which you collect.
And I gave you the example with the woman as a presence in the Creation.

You complete this imprint with every new discovery as regards the woman.
It is very possible to complete: she has more or less brain, she becomes better or worse, she has normal or turned-up nose, many suchlike.
All this is linked to the generic of woman. The woman will be a woman. This is the generic.
Women differ by their manifestations; but, as a generic, they stay like this in terms of prototype, registered trademark.

When we talk about the woman, we talk about the prototype of woman, and not about a personality.
Personality is the one who is alive.
The one who is not alive is not even worth being studied.

We can write about somebody that (s)he did, acted, or anything else. But just as well we can say this about any woman in the world.

The world is full of good and beautiful women who, with the passage of time, losing their youth and advancing in age, turn into old and outdated, expired.

This is the trajectory of a woman who chooses death. If she had chosen Life, she wouldn’t have needed to be known. It would have been enough for her to be present.


The Flower of Life is science by research and development. The more you know it, the more joyful and happier you are.

The Flower of Life is the snowdrop which is born out of cold and shows you warmth.

The components you pick about the mutants have nothing to do with the Perpetuum.

In the Perpetuum, it is not your business. It is the Creator’s.
He has also put there the imprint out of living matter.
The energy also has living matter within itself.

You can’t worship a particular woman, forasmuch as, if you worship her, you turn her into a graven image.

Why do you turn her into a graven image?

Because if you worship her, you give her gifts. The more gifts you give her, the more she asks. The more she asks, the more inactive she becomes. The more inactive she becomes, the more she changes into a mutation.
That’s how you turn into a graven image, who grows old and dies a little, for a permanent eternal sleep.

The Universe, the men don’t have idols.
They are strong and mature enough to know that they are the centre of the Universe, each of them.
As he becomes aware of this, the Man compels himself to develop on a permanent basis.

Watch the sunrise, to feel warmth!
Watch the darkness, to feel protection!
Look at yourself, to see water!
Once you have seen the water, you can see your face, but you can also feel that you stand on stable ground.
The stable ground transmits to you that you have been able to notice it, due to the fact that you have a developed brain.

Once you are developed, you and the Creation have merged.

Answer by Master Mavrino
January 19, 2019

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