• The Art Of Knowing

    Everything About The Universe

  • Science And Truth

    Beyond Reality Society

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The Creator created the Creation perfect and He gave it to the Man so he can rejoice, be happy, love, study, develop.
From the moment He made the Light, the Man having been created, as well, you could admire the perfection at every moment.

One day, by the Spring of Truth, where only the Creator could be, and where only the Creator could allow anyone to reach, the Creator stood, with His feet in the water. A man got near Him, smiled, showed Him all the due respect and asked:
“May I ask a few questions?”
The Creator looked at him and said:
“Sure you may. I have created you for the purpose of thinking, so you can ask questions.”
“Everything around us and what You gave us, upon Your creation, is perfect. We think through our brain. Can You tell me, so I can understand, what is with the rules of the Universe, which are perfect, and how we must abide by them, lest we be punished?”
The Creator answered:
“The mechanism underlying the Creation of the Universe, technically, is the Genesis. Which Genesis, even if I explain it to you, your brain won’t understand.
I created the brain gradually.
At first, you have in the brain grey cells. Your cells collect information. Along the way, as the information are cumulated, your brain looks like a library, and you write on papyruses. You accumulate papyruses in such a way that you fill all the library and start laying them on the floor.
At a certain time, you think and say: this library is very small, I must do something. And you do. You change the papyruses for books. You start writing on books. All the information you hold, you transcribe it on books, this means 15% of the space. Some time passes, but you keep accumulating more and more data. At one point, the books fill all the space. One day, you sit and muse: “The books filled the space – now what shall I do?”
You come to the conclusion that you must transpose all the books on magnetic tape. One more time, you accumulate many data and again, the magnetic tape fills all the library. Once more, the moment comes when you decide what to do with this library, and you discover the audio tapes. After a while, they fill all the space, in their turn. You discover the CDs. With them, it happens just the same. You discover the memory-stick; with it, it happens the same way again.

But one day you discover information in energy instants.
The information in energy instants does not fit in the library, as the library does not have the force to maintain the energy instants, and then you discover you can develop crystalline cells where to enter and store the information for an entire eternity.

One day, one light, you will discover how to change the crystalline cells into some else.

But, for the time being, you have grey content, because you are in the Simulator.

Of course, in the Universe, there are some rules. But you will understand them, if you pass beyond the Simulator. These rules are shown to the man who develops and who lives in eternalness and who didn’t commit, as you did, the mistake of choosing death.

At the beginning, the man believed that the rules, if broken, came by themselves and spanked him.
Later, after he developed, he realised that those rules were created for the man’s protection and not for his punishment; and then, the man acquired them and understood that those rules were his way of being, that those rules meant dignity and honour, and that they were not a punishment.
They entail punishment for the ones who have not come yet to develop at a high level.
At the moment you come to understand that you are Men and you must behave like Men, you will get in front of the portal which will take you into the Universe, you will be able to understand more.

You will understand, for example, that the point A exists and goes to the point A, not to B.
What is the point A in relation to? It is in relation to a point in aleatory space. You will understand very easily that this aleatory point is in relation to you, not to anybody else, not to a third person. And if it is in relation to you, from the point A where you are, when you get in the point B, you don’t become a man with donkey years, you remain a man. If that is so, from the point A, you can’t leave but for the point A, where everything is in relation to you.

In eternalness, there are no points, there is a single point: Darkness and Light, where the Creation was started by the Creator. The Creator is eternity. From the Creation, there is a starting point and an arrival point, they are both points.

Have you understood what I have just explained to you?”
“Yes, I’ve heard and I will meditate. But I’d like to ask you to explain me something about meditation.”

“Before explaining it to you, I’d like you to answer me: how is, from your point of view, the Creator, that is, how am I?”
The man pondered and answered:
“Unlimited, but I haven’t got yet to the level of understanding unlimitedness. You have imposed a great many tasks on us. And I don’t know whether the brain can perceive or how can I find the most efficient method to think, lest I err?”

“You have said yourself that I am unlimited. I have nothing to object, in this case, I can only explain to you.

When the first men were created, they were not created in a library by the ancient Egyptian or Persian or any other civilization. For no other reason, but they were very little, they were babies, they could not understand all this book stuff.
Slowly, the children grew up. They were crawling on all fours, until I taught them how to walk.
They all tasted animal excrements and willingly told to themselves those were no good.
They all knew there were some rules. Now, those first men are lights in the Universe, millions of years elapsed. Even if they are lights, they recollect one thing: which is the taste and smell both of flowers and of excrements. 

And because you have said yourself that I am unlimited, when you were created, your brain could have developed both at 0,01% and under perfect circumstances.

Development is simple. You are complicating it, you are making inadequate choices.

You have regressed and are looking for someone to blame. Please look in the mirror. You will glimpse the culprit.

There are no reasons for not developing. There is instead the lack of desire for developing.

You are searching for Pandora’s box or even for Pandora.
Even by now, you haven’t discovered that Pandora did not open the box.
She created it.
The Simulator is Pandora’s Box.
Of the Simulator, you can’t get out anywhere.

The only one who can get you out of Pandora’s Box is you.

Do you say I have given you many tasks? But I have also shown you how to fulfil them.

Do you ask me how to create vacuums? I wonder, will you ever get to create vacuums with more or less oxygen?
What you have to do lies in front of you. Ask your own thinking and it will answer you. I have shown you countless times how to create vacuums, but you haven’t noticed. I showed you hundreds of times you could stay underwater 30 seconds, it is better to strain up to 40, so you can push the limits, namely to resist 40 seconds underwater.
If you are at home, you isolate yourself from everything around you, so you don’t think about anything, and hold your breath as long as you can. If, for instance, you can hold it for 40 seconds, next time, you strain, so you can hold it for 50 seconds.
These are the vacuums.

I have opened the Book of Knowledge and I have given to you.

Fathom it, but on the Way I have shown you, namely step by step.
When you have conquered an unknown, two paths towards two new unknowns will open.
Keep in mind: advance step by step.

The created rules are for you lest you forget how to be Men.
They are not threatening. You are threatening each other.
You, in your downfall, are hurting one another.

You, the ones within Pandora’s Box, as you are inside of it, don’t even know there is anything else other than Pandora’s Box.
Try to imagine, and give free rein for the imagination.

By Master Mavrino
January 20, 2019

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