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In The Grip Of Death

Thinking is a main conception on the basis of which you form your existence and manifestation by deeds.

Having a correct thinking requires many factors. Genetic material, correct education, studies from concrete sources, upon the manifestations of the masses. 

The same, it is fair to study history through the written materials and discovered monuments, and to create your own hypothesis against a true background. For this fact, training and thorough studies are required.
You cannot have failures in your own behaviour, but act as if they didn’t exist.

You cannot be sad or depressed, but state withal that you develop.
You cannot make friendly relations with macrosociety and aspire at the same time to eternalness, whereas those whom you have friendly relations with to be in the grip of death.
This situation is immoral and you are just like those about to die, namely dead.

You may not judge anyone, because you don’t have the complete picture; but even if you have it, you can’t judge, because you are under development. As you are under development, you shall not judge.

You may not help, either, because you are helped, in you turn.

You cannot act in collectiveness, because everyone has his own thinking.

You can participate in a team, if all participants’ level of development is almost equal. The approach, however, is still different.

It is necessary to study carefully everything around you. Nature is at a very high level of pollution. The human beings exist in this pollution. This means that, in parallel with the inappropriate genetic material, these beings also have a degree of mutation.

If a human being adapts to the environment, he is very seriously affected genetically, but this being does not understand this and doesn’t realize the seriousness, because he is already a mutant.

Look at their reactions.

When the beings are confronted with an improper situation, they band together. They turn into a pack of wild animals. They attack in a pack; and, after having defeated the pray, they forsake him and leave. In the next instant, if they are questioned, they won’t admit knowing each other, even if, 5 minutes earlier, they were attacking together. That’s how it is.

That pack came together to attack, to make diversion, and not to make friends with each other. If they had something to gain, they were together, united on this; if their prey is reduced to silence, they no longer know each other.

It is necessary to analyse your behavior very carefully, so as to start properly on a way which to explore and exploit correctly and perfectly.

Dignity and honour exist in every individual, regardless of his level of development.
The analysis of what everyone wants is a must.

If the choice is the correct one, death will elude you, because it cannot win over a colossus. Death wins where there is an interrupted chain.

Terra’s mutation regressed by death.

Death means depletion of energy concentration and lack of control over the body. When the energy is no longer produced, it runs out. The human body reproduces for 8 years, after which it eats itself out and death occurs.

The human being never, absolutely never knows he is dead. He is threatened and overwhelmed by the fear that death comes; but, upon his death, the being does not go through the awareness of the death.

There are many categories of dead people. 

The energy dead is the one who is dead, but he transgressed somehow against the Principles of Creation. In this case, he turns into teaching material, but without realizing this and without influencing the ones around him. He serves the Universe, except that he doesn’t know he serves evolution. 

The passive dead is another type of dead. He continues his existence from the instant previous to his death. He goes to his home, talks with his relatives, uses their energy. His relatives, without seeing him, are answering his questions and then are talking to each other, sharing as if the dead were there. He lives as long as his relatives mention him. He exists up to that moment. 

The active dead is another category which, in many cases, takes revenge. He picks fights with his relatives and friends. He trips them, overturns their stuff, and even gets a great deal of expertise, since he streamlines his actions, as he doesn’t know that he is actually dead.

Look down the street! This society is in the world of the dead. Their deeds are accumulated from many periods, so as to serve the Universe, by the data they are offering.

If you pay attention, some walk faster, others have floating movements, others look as if they were swimming, others look as if they were climbing mountains.
As they come from different periods, the pollution is different in each of their periods.
According to the period and its pollution, their movements are swifter in low-pollution periods, and slower in high-pollution periods.

You must not be surprised at seeing dead. They are all dead; you parted with and are separated from death, you only are amongst death in your activity.

It is seeing the living ones that wouldn’t be normal and would be an exception.

The dead are here, now.

By Master Mavrino
January 21, 2019

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