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Since the instant of involution, the animals have suffered a shock, which shock changed them into an easy prey or game, depending on how many or few appearances in the jungle they made. Apart from looking for food, the animals started their uncontrolled reproduction. This reproduction has been based on physiological necessities.

Being in a time and failing to fit into it, the animals have had a very small area of self-affirmation. Female animals usually either defend their youngsters or eat them, depending on how they feel after they give birth to them. They either play or attack the male, or the males either attack the female animals or play with them.

And this depends on many factors. This ratio is about 85 percent on Terra for the aforementioned; while 15 percent on Terra may be called women. The woman can never be a bank of genetic material. The woman evinces the permanent endeavor to evolve.

The woman can be a mother only if she has this vocation. Being a mother is not an obligation or a duty, but only a vocation. You don’t have to make children, so as to be a woman or a mother. You need to protect, to be beautiful, to give yourself to everything around you, to create warmth around you and never lay claims to anyone, but only to yourself.

This is for the woman, but it applies to both sexes. Once you have said or launched a claim or you have thought that you are entitled to anything, once you have gossiped or judged anyone, or cajoled your offspring, you can’t be a woman or a man. You are just another failed animal.

Once you have criticised anything around you, regardless of your sex, you did not deserve, you don’t deserve and you won’t deserve to exist. You can’t have a normal mind, if you judge someone. You can, as it were, judge someone, without being heard by anyone else, only to yourself. The fact that you judged deep down, to yourself, is a total compromise.

The evolution or involution depends on your personal judgement and on your personal attitude.

The Life which is gifted to you – which you are not entitled to – and you have never been, does not owe you. Nor are you obliged to act in a certain way towards Life. But if you accept Life and assume it, you must be as noble as Life.

Life, did it ask anything from you? Did it criticize you? Judge you? Gossip you? Hurt you in any way? If Life has caused you no harm, but it has only brought you joy, how will you answer it?

Have you thought about this? If you haven’t thought so far, this means that nor from now on will you think, in all likelihood.

Please look into the mirror. Do you like yourself? If you do, this means you have serious problems. If you don’t, this means you haven’t got rid of problems.

You have just one choice. To be as noble as your host. Let’s remember, those who forgot what I wrote 3 sentences above – your host is Life.

Life is your easel, as well as your painter.

In order to correspond in noble-mindedness, you must always have a relaxed, noble face, keen eyes, and you must be very happy.

Is your face a tad inappropriate, do you have wrinkles, is your face a tad aged? How have you ended up like this?

Life, ever since you were born, has accepted you as a friend and equal partner. Life always comes to caress you. When you are frowned, judging the others, Life caresses you, but it also takes its toll – makes its mark on you, so you can know it caressed you.

Do you have wrinkles? Are your eyes squint? This means Life caught you in a very beautiful state, it froze you like that.

Now, as you know the SECRET, you might want to become equal partners, just as beautiful as Life, don’t you? Unwind, so Life can catch you accordingly! To unwind means to think normally, and this implies relaxation of your face and your entire body.

If the relaxation does not correspond to an inner state you must have, and unless you are happy, then you will simulate a happy facial mark, but you will strain your body muscles. Pay attention, if you do this and don’t act fair, you can never know what Life will freeze and you might walk like the skies, with bent legs. It is possible, when you take great pains to relax your face, for Life to make its mark on you, as if you were constipated.

Try to understand how great the benefit of being a MAN is and how beautiful it would be for you to be noble.

When you are noble, the flowers blossom and naturally gift you with their aroma. When you are not noble, and when you only struggle to be and strive to show off what you are not, you won’t notice any flower. Because the flowers don’t think, but they feel. If they feel something is wrong, they run for their life, roots and all. The flowers can’t exist next to anyone with negatives.

A large part of Terra’s population, and a painfully large one, is depressive, by all means. More or less, but it’s still depression.

Depression is when you can’t cope with the reality around you, because you have chosen more tasks than you can shelter, master and complete.

An extra task means an unsolved problem. An unsolved problem means, whether you want it or not, depression.

In order not to be depressive, you should choose the tasks which you can complete, depending on your evolution, culture, education and potential. Provided that you assess yourselves correctly, you will have the correct results, which signifies a natural anti-depressive.

When you are not apt to fulfil in every instant minimum 5 tasks, this means you are definitely depressive.

A task, for example is:

1. to make your cave perfectly pleasant.

2. to go out hunting and bring beneficial game for your cave, but to help other caves, too.

3. to have a thinking in progress.

4. to behave impeccably.

5. to be an equal partner of Life.

I can give you many other tasks, but these are the minimal ones which you must perform every instant

The point here is to master or try to master everything around you, analysing and realising precisely what everything-around-you is.

Don’t venture in tasks you don’t even know. When you are training in such missions, the mission becomes impossible and this is a reason for Life to catch you and make an inappropriate facial mark on you.

Know that Life doesn’t think and doesn’t know how much you have developed; it only gives you love, regardless of how much you developed.

I would like you to understand well, love is like a kiss on your energy imprint. Life kisses you and leaves its energy imprint on your wholeness and uprightness and your energy imprint, as an individual.

It – Life – detects you only as another part of Creation, which must be perfect. Leaving its energy imprint on you, it signals to the Creator how you look like.

Until it gives you another kiss, you should assert yourself by what you have already received from Life. Moreover, you can’t even know when the next kiss will occur.

Life is like Santa. He must call for everyone and make them a gift and, usually, when it’s your turn to receive a gift from him, you are asleep, so as to be surprised, in the morning, when you wake up, by the gift you received.

Under these circumstances, think how you conduct yourselves, because, just as you manifest yourselves, so you sleep. You never know when Santa comes to you.

But you should know that that there are a great many men who are partners of Life and never have any fear; nor do they know what fear is. Those persons are so noble, that they don’t conceive fear. They look forward to Life coming by. They all live in Life, are in Life and never have any problem in Life making its mark – energy imprint on them.

The Universe is perfect, isn’t it?

Know that Terra, no matter in what simulator it may be or how it is, is a ladder which belongs to the Universe. I have explained above – regardless of how many weeds you are surrounded, what’s important is – for you to be a flower, to blossom brightly and to give your aroma, an aroma withering the thistles and thorns around you.


Noble-mindedness springs from thinking. The deeds done by a noble man are called dignity in progress. A noble man is the one who always asks himself – what have I given, to deserve everything around me?

By Master Mavrino
February 17, 2019

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