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Ideal. Motivation. One Step

Please don’t misinterpret my message.

I don’t need and I have never asked for help. It is I who has always helped. I want to teach you to have the proper thinking.
1. For the thinking to be correct, you need to form yourself an ideal, on the basis of which to coordinate your existence.
2. The thorough analysis of your correct orientation.
3. Laying down and strengthening the principles of a correct thinking.
4. The importance, for our personal development, of the ideal which we need to transform into reality.
5. The difficulty of the task.
6. Our cerebral potency, compared to the one of macro-society.
7. Qualities and their practical confirmation, so as to support our approaches.
8. Analysis of the forces which we want to build for ourselves, and if this is feasible.
9. Documentation about our ideal, from the archive by now.
10. Discipline of our thinking and priorities of our actions so far.
11. Our allies, if any, in this approach of ours.
12. Our correctness in choosing friends and analysis – if we personally are capable of having friends.
When our ideal is Everlastingness, for our ideal to become reality, no mistake is allowed. Any inappropriate step is total – or partial compromise, but that’s how it is, and that’s not good. 
If we are not apt and up to, it would be better not to undertake tasks which are beyond us. 
Any being can become a Man, but it is necessary to grit his teeth and strive long and hard to succeed.
In defence of our ideal, in its search and for the leverages to be put into practice, we must fight many divergences. 
In the first place, the divergences are within ourselves and with ourselves. 
Raising the bar so high in oneself is a divergence, but we need to discover the motivation. If your motivation is to live forever, this is not plausible. If your motivation is to know ever more and to develop by giving, this is fairly correct and decent. Choose your motivation correctly! I am waiting for you.
I have no problem in waiting for you, it is you that have a problem, because you are accustomed to measure your time, and the sand is trickling through the hourglass.
You have the time factor which you have to rid yourselves of by a simple method, to wit thinking, and you must come to me. 
I have all the times and I am waiting for you, you are my guests. 
It is simple, you need to take just one step, the correct one.
The cross is at the crossroads. You have to discover that each of you is the cross.

By Master Mavrino
February 7, 2019

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