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Q&A 0044 – Vacuums, Oxygen Spiral Bags, and The Divine Particle

Question from Asean:

I) “… you must open vacuums for yourselves. In a vacuum, you must pull out the oxygen for maximum 30 seconds, while you are in the centre of the vacuum… The pure oxygen, through the channels created during the first vacuum, will enter the body, because the body demands oxygen.”
“… After the lapse of 31 seconds, you will enter the next created vacuum, which has ..15 percent of pure oxygen… After 45 seconds, you enter the 3rd vacuum. The third vacuum will have 11 percent, just as the atmosphere…
There will be a balancing, out of which about 2.2 percent of pure oxygen will remain, which, loaded with several particles of organs, will go directly to the brain and will change, to a great extent, into crystalline cells. That’s how the number and volume of crystalline cells are increased.”
1. How is a vacuum created? Is this formed at the level of the thinking, by the cerebral force, and then is it materialised, in a dimension, as a loop, which the man wants to exploit at a certain moment?
2. Is the same principle used as in the case of forming a protective shield, in which the man is in the centre?
3. Is the created vacuum personal, for each man separately, or does it have the specificity of the activity to be researched by the subject, if it refers to the loop?
4. After the completion of the study and the passage into another dimension, with a higher level and complexity, is the first vacuum closed or is it introduced into the next vacuum?
5. Can the vacuum refer to the exploration of a person’s own dimension, who has, for example, 3 m in size, and then to the passage into another dimension, of the one with 2 meters in size?
6. Generally, can one liken the opening a vacuum to accessing a dimension in the past, or to the creation of a protective sphere or balloon around the man?
7. Technically, is this a process similar to the breathing, in the aquatic environment, maintaining the air in the lungs, until getting out in the atmosphere?
Hence, practically, can the procedure be explained by one’s deeply breathing in the air, until filling the pulmonary alveolae with oxygen, reaching the saturation of the vital capacity with oxygen, maintaining this (a few seconds) in the water and then deeply breathing out, upon getting out in the atmosphere?
8. In order to improve the correct inspiration process, which favours the elimination of the useless cells, would regularly practicing deep (abdominal) respiration exercises, by a specific rhythm, be beneficial? Which is the correct breathing procedure or rhythm, used in the Universe, according to the Perpetuum?
– How is the vacuum formed around the man, so he can be at the centre?
I dare say there are several types of vacuums, for phonic, sound, thermal isolation, which function according to the same principle etc.
– How does the body capture or filter, out of the totality of oxygen breathed in, only 11% pure oxygen afferent to the first vacuum? How does it maintain this level until entering the next vacuum, with 15% concentration of pure oxygen?
Do the pulmonary alveolae, in the depths, keep this oxygen, forming thus spare respiratory volumes or filling the residual volume (for instance) or do other cell structures store the afferent concentration of oxygen?
– How is the concentration of pure oxygen increased, once with the passage into another dimension? By the increase of the blood flow, by the acceleration of the pulmonary ventilation, due to the difference in atmospheric pressure? Is this sudden change (spontaneous, without adaptation times), qualitatively superior, that determines the cell-crystallization process?
– In order to improve the quality of the air breathed in, would the filtration or purification of the oxygen reaching the brain and the cells be o solution, as well as the supplementation of an auxiliary ventilation, by increasing the blood flow at the cerebral level, with the help of the divine particle?
– According to the described procedure, with a view to developing just one cell, is it necessary to take minimum 3 different steps, stages or dimensions; or is it only in this example, adapted to the real conditions of Terra, of that moment, that it is necessary to go through 3 vacuums ? One can see, from the given example, that the passage from one environment to another occurs differently, from the first to the second vacuum, one passes in one second, and from the second to the third vacuum it takes one a longer period of research or there is a higher level of difficulty (14 sec)?
– Basically, one of the applicable principles lies in creating and going through a vacuum with a certain concentration (11%) and eventually going through the 3rd vacuum, under the conditions of the same concentration; does this mean that a cycle is completed, for that matter?
– After creating and going through the last vacuum, do only 2.2% oxygen pure oxygen remain because the rest of the oxygen is filtered once more by the body, upon the completion of the afferent cycle and by comparison with the parameters of the Perpetuum; is one purified part distributed to the cells, and does only the qualitatively purest part reach the brain, along with other particles of the organs – an apt combination, as a material, for the crystallisation of cells?
– Is the crystalline-cell volume increased, in the sense of database, information, due to the different environments gone through?
– Summarily, as a general principle, applied to the given example, is it possible that You might have referred to the fact that a developed man, whose host is at a medium level of development, once having reached a dimension with a concentration of 11-15 % pure oxygen, by inspiration and comparison with the imprints of the Perpetuum, purifies the environment in several stages, so the final product can be 2.2 % concentration of truly pure, divine oxygen, in relation to the Universe? And could this be his contribution by which he acquired the crystallization of a cell?

Answer by Master Mavrino:

Thinking is the promoter of all and everything.
Thinking creates the Man’s internal and external energy activity.

Internal – is the one which coordinates and forms the impeccable functioning of the internal organs and of the whole human body.
External – is based on the internal one and is external to every personality’s body. It is the external one that the researches of various types, useful for the mission in a light, use.

External – for the maintenance of Creation, are all the components in the service of Life.

All the components have geometric figures, as you know them on Terra.

The oxygen has many types of saturation. Depending on minerals, environment, pollen and many others. The latter create spiral bags. The man feeds on them and uses them, as the need arises.

The man enters the figure without calculating this, because this is a normality. In this approach of his, and due to many factors, because all the Creation feeds itself at the same time, the bags are at full capacity, at low vitality or at lack of vitality. Those lacking vitality decompose from the energy flow and others take form, which are 100 percent filled.

That’s how the man functions, and not only the man, but everything that Creations means in the Universe.

The examples I gave to you are valid for Terra, in the simulator. They are valid, except that they are accessible only to you and to those who have learnt how the energy, the environment and everything around are used.

The species and the mutants don’t have the capacity to understand this presence. They don’t have the capacity, because nor do they have with what.

The Man has brain. The others exist only for a while and perish as the oxygen bags do.

Imagine a honeycomb.
That’s how the oxygen is, and not only the oxygen, but all are in this form.
Except that there are several, namely unlimited combs filled with various components which help the smooth development of life.


The Man in the making uses the bags meant for him, with various components, to regenerate his normal system of functioning.

It is not necessary for him to sit in the centre of the bag, because all the Creation is in relation to the Man. It is the Man who thinks, not the bag. The comb moves by a well-thought system, but it has no brain.

I have explained to you the system and how you can create the channels which you already have and how you can, by these energy channels, eliminate the dead cells and create a perfect channel.


The Man, in the composition of his body, contains everything that Creation holds.
The Man is a microuniverse.
The Man is perfect.
Therefore the Man has only Life. The Man doesn’t have death.
Death is an invention of Terra’s.
In the Universe, the species, nature and others are in a regime of energy exhaustion and generation of a new one, but by not in a regime of death.
Death can only be seen here.


The Man is an entity. Everything is personal.

In the Universe, the term of “collective” doesn’t exist. The approximate term of “family” exists, but it is only an approximation. We will use this one so you can understand.

The Man, in the Universe, has a huge family, which consists of everything around him.

Under the circumstances the man is born and knows those who procreated him after he matures, this is explainable why.

If he, the Man, had known his parents from the beginning, his evolution would have already been compromised, because he would no longer have had the term of Creation, but the term of “my creation”, which means a huge mistake, envy, wars and many others.

Had the Universe had “mine” and “yours”, it would have been a huge simulator.
The Creator plays with the energies, with Light and Darkness, with the stars, but not with His own Creation’s life.
The Creation gave life, He didn’t give it to experiment. 
He had experimented before giving.


I’d like you to understand a concrete fact.

The Man travels in at least 29 dimensions at the same time. Accordingly, we can talk of creative dimension, forasmuch as in these dimensions, he creates by research and he develops at the same time.

In the constructive dimension, in which he no longer is on this planet, he gets when he develops by a certain percent, which percent I have mentioned to you on other occasions.

Vacuums are present as conception, as reality meant to maintain life in the Universe, in the Creation.
The vacuums modify according to everyone’s development.
Nevertheless, they modify in terms of structure, not of form.

Vacuums are a way of being. Just as the man is. He has a head and uses it; he has legs and travels as appropriate, as well as everything he needs to understand Creation. The more he develops, the more he knows how much more it takes for him to develop.


Any movement of the man, any modification in any dimension, with a view to fulfilling his task, takes places in different dimensions.


The man’s existence is ensured by vacuums.
The Man exists and travels just as he creates, by entering and leaving vacuums.

The man is linked – as I have said above – to a source of oxygen or energy.
If it were not for this type of merger with all and everything, the Creation would be anarchical and would look as if the Big Bang broke.


The comb feeds man’s presence NOW. The comb doesn’t have past and future. It is present only NOW and only associated to the man whom it sustains and feeds.

The comb exists because the Man and the other parts of Creation exist. If the Man didn’t exist, the comb wouldn’t exist.

It is very simple. Just think, in your house, about everything around you, closing your eyes. Under these circumstances, you don’t see the TV set, but only its energy imprint which is in your thinking. You know for certain that you are in your house. But everything is in relation to you, is not in relation to your neighbour.

You exist because that’s what the Creator wanted. The Creator gave you the chance to develop, to be eternal.

If you didn’t exist, neither the TV set nor your house would exist. Somebody else’s TV set and house would exist.

Rejoice in existing!
Once with you, the Creation exists. Avail yourself of this chance so the Creation can change every moment and give you happiness. So it can give you, by the love and gifts it offers to you, when you research, the beauty it is endowed with.

Try, as you have the opportunity, to use the vacuum so as to create!

Given that the vacuum doesn’t think, don’t give it the possibility to steal your creation, while you change into an insignificant mutation!

Confer brilliance upon Creation by your deeds and don’t search for the Creation’s facts!

The deeds are yours. The Creation is always present; you just have to discover it.

Think with a correctly formed brain, and not with a void instead of brain!


The Man functions perfectly, adapting his energy shields to the environment around him. The Man is created to exist for ever.

The Man’s adaptability at energy-shield level is unlimited.
The more polluted Terra planet is in this simulator, the more the Men’s shields are.
The purer is the atmosphere in every dimension, the fewer the shields are.
You don’t have what to defend yourself against, that’s why they disappear.


Do not compare Man’s evolution to the existence in various environments and don’t relate him to these ones! The Man adapts to anything. The Man adapts to water, to the sudden change of environment, to a polluted environment.
The Man is evolved, that’s why he can do this. The Creation is conceived to help the Man, and that’s exactly what it does.


The human being has serious problems with everything around him, everything disturbs him, because he is a mutation, and not a Man.

Under the circumstances you think, you have no problem, in water, underwater, or wherever. Everything is controlled.

The human being has fear and apprehensions of deep waters, deep caves, height or everything else.

The Man has no fear, he doesn’t know this. He knows he has developed enough not to change his respiration or anything else, in any kind of environment.

Accordingly, the Man works under water just as he works above it.
The Man has no problem breathing
underwater, because he doesn’t know the terms of “different respiration”.
The Man knows the term – and moreover applies it – “different energy shields”.

The Man is created to be perfect, and he is perfect.
The Man breathes normally. That’s all he knows.

He doesn’t know involution-related terms, such as methods of breathing, of losing weight, of thinking, of existence, of health, of senescence or of anything else.
The Man is a microuniverse, I don’t know how many times I must repeat this, but I will, whenever necessary.

The Man doesn’t know death, underdevelopment, involution and many, many others; and if he doesn’t know them, they don’t exist.

For the Man, it is very easy. He is glad to develop, he is happy to look at everything around him, he loves and is loved by everything around him, he accesses Light and Darkness in every instant and smiles, because everything around him smiles to him.


If you launch a question in medical terms, or any other terms, this doesn’t mean you show me high intellectuality. 
By this, you show me how much you don’t know.

I know that you don’t know a great many; but I know I’m teaching you, so you can know them.

I know that what I am showing you is logical, practical and useful. And I am showing in such a way that you can see, smell, touch and apply.

I have explained to you, but I’ll explain to you once more that when the atmosphere launches a series of vacuums with different degrees of purity, the impure degree instantly blends with the purer degree and, by Creation, creates the environment of temperature, light, darkness, energy.

I am giving you a simple example:

Fill half a glass with hot water. Put the teabag inside, then fill it with cold water and you’ll see that, by this blend, the tea will be ready for consumption and you will not burn your precious little mouth.

That’s what happens with the mixtures of any kind.

In this simulator, the brain and the lack of brain have got so mixed up, that we have got to the level of speaking of a total lack of brain.
In conclusion, in the cranial vault there is only a lack. A vacuum – a void where no brain can be detected.
In conclusion, there are a manifold of examples when the cranial vault sounds hollow.


Once the man in the making, as he is here simulator, will be apt for development and shows this by his deeds, the elect will be extracted from the simulator and will be introduced, by different methods, into a real, vital planet.

The difference between the simulator and the new planet will be of 0.8% extra oxygen. 0.8% means very much. Once with the adaptation to this new percentage, the body will totally modify, with crystalline particles, by content, speed, dynamics and active presence.

After that stage, there will be others, until the process is finalised and the person has become a personality, namely a MAN.

Everything will occur gradually. If the man extracted from the simulator were teleported on a planet that has 2.6% more in terms of oxygen saturation, this means there will be saturation of other elements, too.
Under these circumstances, the newly introduced man would burn out, completely and totally decomposing.


The Divine Particle means the particle from the Creator’s Spring, which means Light, Darkness, energy and all the components of Creation, which are given to the new member of the Universe, for him to create, Divine Particle, crystalline cells.
At the same time, it is the connection between the Spring of Creation and the Creation.
That’s how the man functions in relation to the Creation, in the Universe.


In order for you to pass from one vacuum to another and to create at the same time, you need adaptability.

When you think, and you have with what, to wit you have the crystalline substance, the adaptability is achieved in relation to what you research.

Another condition of adaptability is the purity your body is accustomed to, at the purity of the vacuum.

There is no vacuum around you that might harm you. Which means that all vacuums are adapted to your development.

In other words, everyone wears his coat. He doesn’t fit into the smaller coat, the big one is too large for him. A bigger or smaller coat proves that what you are wearing is given to you, is not according to your worth.

Every man wears blue jeans to his size. The blue jeans are like thinking. Both the blue jeans and the thinking are like one of the components of light, in terms of colour, namely blue.

On the other hand, the blue jeans and the brain are alike, because you have them both.

Rejoice in having them!


After the brain is correctly formed, it gives birth, by creation, only to crystalline cells. These crystalline cells, after they have correctly completed and formed the brain, send crystalline dust towards the skill, towards the osseous, muscular, blood systems, and towards all systems which the Man has.
After everything is complete, the creation, in full awareness, of the internal – external energy system begins.


Once the man is on a mission, by means of host, his host leaves for the place which is destined for him, after he is radically tested.
The Man assumes all the parts of his body, after he adapts himself.
From that moment, he starts searching for still viable spirits, which spirits are shown to him – where they are – by the Creator.

After the Man has tested the persons he has studied, the Creator is the One Who decides whether that persons fits or not into the Programme.

Answer by Master Mavrino
January 19, 2019

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